Christmas Special

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Just a Christmas special chapter made by someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas so it's more of just,, a winter time fluff chapter


Tobio grunted, feet suddenly feeling cold. He shifted on his bed, blindly looking for any sort of warmth. His feet finally found the soft blanket and slipped his feet under it, sighing with relief. Suddenly though, the blanket shifted, and Tobio's feet were once more out in the cold.

Tobio grunted again, now reaching his arm out to find the warmth of the blanket. His arm was met with something warm, though it wasn't his fluffy blanket, instead, it felt... bulky. Tobio, mind hazy from sleep decided that any sort of warmth was ok as he shifted to get closer.

Soon, he felt the blanket he was searching for under his feet as he snuggled up to the bulky warmth now beside him. Slipping his feet underneath the blanket once more, another content sigh left him.

Just as Tobio was about to be lulled back into slumber, the bulky warmth moved, and Tobio felt an arm snake around his body, making Tobio feel warmer. Tobio hummed in approval, before nuzzling into the warmth.

He heard a small chuckle, followed by a soft voice. "Tobio, time to get up.."

Tobio whined, the arms he didn't notice was wrapped around the bulky warmth, which by now Tobio knew was a person, squeezed said person tighter.

"Tobio, we have to wake up. Iwa-chan is making us breakfast today, and you don't want to miss out on his pancakes do you?"

Pancakes... Making pancakes.. Iwa- Zumi-san's making pancakes!!

Tobio lunged up, grabbing a random shirt from the floor and strolled out of the room, a soft chuckling coming from behind him followed. Reaching the kitchen, the sweet smell of honey entered Tobio's nose, filling him with a sense of home.

Tobio shuffled into the kitchen, seeing a figure by the stove. Tobio immediately sat down on one of the chairs near the kitchen island.

"Iwa-chan! Tobio finally woke up!"

"You say that as if you didn't just ditch me to cuddle with him more, Tooru."

Iwaizumi turned around, flashing a smile at Tobio before focusing on the pancakes. Although Tobio's the one who usually cooks, breakfast is always made by Iwaizumi, especially during winter since Tobio prefers to sleep in.

After a few minutes, Iwaizumi approached the other two men with two plates, Tobio's pancake was the one with a generous amount of whipped cream and blueberries. Iwaizumi's pancakes were the ones with simple honey and a bit of butter. Iwaizumi placed Tobio's plate in front of him, Tobio mumbling a quick "Itadakimasu" before immediately eating his pancakes.

"Hey! Where are my pancakes?"

Iwaizumi shrugged, before shoving a piece of pancake into his mouth. "Near the stove there."

"Why didn't you bring it here like you did with Tobio's??" Oikawa whined, walking up to the stove to take his own plate.

Iwaizumi smirked, swallowing the food in his mouth. "Last time I checked I only had two hands."

Oikawa huffed, choosing to sit on the right side of Tobio.

They ate in a comfortable silence, the only sounds in the room were the scraping of forks, subtle humming from Oikawa and the soft breeze of the wind in the background.

Tobio finished up quickly, washing his plate and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

As Tobio steps out, Oikawa comes toward the door, presumably to shower too. He gave a quick peck on Tobio's cheek before stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Tobio got dressed into a simple hoodie and sweats, not bothering to brush his hair and walked into the living room. He was Iwaizumi sitting down sideways on the couch, his head resting on the arrest, coffee mug in hand and seemingly lost in his head.

Tobio smiled, in between Iwaizumi's legs, and leaned back onto Iwaizumi's chest. Tobio's glad both of his boyfriends are human heaters since it's a nice source of warmth for someone who gets cold easily like Tobio. Iwaizumi responded by placing the mug down on the table and wrapping his arms around Tobio, placing his chin on top of Tobio's head, sniffing Tobio's silky black hair slightly.

Tobio felt Iwaizumi smile, sniffing his hair more. Tobio washed his hair with his new cherry smelling shampoo, so he guessed Iwaizumi liked it."Zumi-san, do you wanna build a snowman?"

Iwaizumi let out an amused huff, "Stop making Frozen references, you haven't stopped since we rewatched it last week."

Tobio giggled, "I'm serious, I want to build a snowman, I've never built one with someone before."

Iwaizumi hummed, burying his face deeper into Tobio's hair.

"Is that a yes?"

"Hmm, maybe tomorrow..." Iwaizumi's voice was muffled, but Tobio understood and hummed, satisfied.

They heard some shuffling, before Tooru walked in, screeching about how "Iwa-chan is hogging Tobio-chan". Iwaizumi sighed, but Tobio just reached his arms out, opening and closing his fist. Oikawa eyes lit up, jumping into Tobio's hands and crushing Iwaizumi underneath both of them in the process.

Iwaizumi grunted, pushing Tobio and Oikawa off the couch. Tobio ended up on top of Oikawa now, who whined. "Tobio-chan so heavyyyy".

Tobio was laughing, which in turn made Oikawa giggle, which made Iwaizumi join in.

They spent the rest of the day watching shitty Hallmark Christmas movies, laughing every time they "predicted" what was going to happen next, even though most of the tropes are the same."I bet her boss is going to assign her an important project", Tobio said as popped a popcorn into his mouth.

And the boss did in fact assign her an "important" project, making the boys burst out laughing.

The night was spent with more cuddling and soft kisses, before they all went to sleep.


Tobio sprang up at the sound of his alarm. Looking around, he realized he was in his room. Tobio huffed, getting up to get ready. He couldn't shake the feeling of warmth though, and Tobio knew it was because of his dream. But what was his dream? Tobio tried to bring it back, but he couldn't remember a single thing.

Tobio sighed, willing himself to just let it go (just like Elsa did-) and focus on getting to school.
But when he got a message from Oikawa and Iwaizumi saying good morning, Tobio may or may not have gotten the same feeling of warmth again.


Thank you to my readers here who checked out the Kageharem thing, I'm so glad it didn't flop cause I would've cried dhiwuhiufe Happy holidays and happy new years! <3 Probably going to post one more chapter before 2021 but just in case I've said it here

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