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Finally, finally, Golden Week arrived. Tobio would normally be excited, shaking of anticipation. But today wasn't normal.

Tobio's stomach lurched, making him vomit for the third time that morning. He hasn't felt this sick since first year of middle school, but that was understandable, he has to be near them almost everyday. So why now? It seems like his soulmates - at least one of them - would be around the corner. Had they always been this close to this are? Had he just not notice them before? He had sort of forgotten the fact that he has soulmates before that day.

Tobio washed his face, tired from the seemingly non-stop vomit. Tobio sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. The wall. It isn't as strong. People assume wall get stronger as the person grows, but the truth is, you have to break the standing wall to rebuild a stronger one. And the last time he'd ever let the wall down was that day. Opening his eyes, Tobio looked at the multiple disposable knives he keeps under his sink. One week without them, one week of just volleyball. Tobio smiled to himself. Just volleyball, no guitar, no mother, no more cuts, just volleyball.


Tobio was half wrong. Maybe.

"Pillow fight!!!!" Hinata yelled, slamming the pillow he was holding into Tobio's face.

Turns out that Golden Week meant volleyball and stupid sleepover rituals. Not that Tobio had been to one before.

"Boke!!" Tobio yelled, throwing a dinosaur plushie Yamaguchi brought- though Tsukishima seemed awfully clingy to it - at Hinata. Damn his quick reflexes because he managed to dodge the fluffy weapon of destruction and it hit Sugawara-san instead. "Ah- S-sorry Sugawa-" Tobio was cut off by another plushie - this time a sushi - to his face.

Suddenly Tanaka-san and Nishinoya-san yelled out and started throwing pillow everywhere. Every person in the room joined in - except for Tsukishima but is he really a person? - even Sawamura-san. Tobio let himself smile - not that anyone noticed - and joined in. He hasn't felt this happy since he got his first actual volleyball from Kaito.

The pillow fight ended half an hour later, Tobio was exhausted. His teammates were no different, they all look tired but refused to sleep. They form a small circle and started to chat about random stuff.

Maybe it was karma, for trying to pick up that one stray cat the other day but instead scaring it, now Tobio's least favourite topic came up. Soulmates. He knew he shouldn't be surprised, the topic of soulmates is really common during high school, as they teach about it in more depth during first year.

"I want Kiyoko to be my soulmate!!" Tanaka yelled, earning an affirmative nod from Nishinoya-san. "Don't you have Asahi, Nishinoya?" Kinoshita-san said, earning a blush from both boys.

"Suga-san! You and Daichi-san are soulmates right?" Hinata asked excitedly. Both captains flushed slightly. "Yes, Hinata. We're soulmates", the grey-haired boy replied. "So there's Suga-san and Daichi-san, Noya-san and Asahi-san and... Kinoshita-san and Narita-san right!!" Hinata concluded, squishing his pillow.

"Tsukishima-kun and Yamaguchi-kun are soulmates, right?" Sugawara-san asked. Yamaguchi seemed startled by the sudden attention on him and Tsukishima acted like he didn't care - although Tobio could see him paying more attention - and continued listening to his music. "A-ah yeah! But we have another soulmate. We haven't met them though..." Yamaguchi explained, showing the soulmark on his ankle. It was a moon - pretty self explanatory- filled in with a golden sheen with a silhouette of a cat, blank and uncoloured, staring at said moon.

Tobio felt a pang of emotions.

He had teammates who were - or will be - in a poly bond. Relief.

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