Seijoh Match

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Me: We won.

Keiji-san: That's great! How the other two first years?

Me: They were fine. One was really tall but his personality is shit.

Keiji-san: Then you'll get along very well.

Me: Keiji-san, you're worse than me.

Keiji-san: Yeah, yeah. How's your guitar classes?

Me: Fine.

Keiji-san: Have enough money? I can ask mother to send some more?

Me: It's fine. I can manage.

Keiji-san: If you're sure. I have to go, Bokuto-san's calling me.

Me: Ok. Bye.


It was about a week when Takeda-Sensei stormed into the gym. Tobio flinched, still not used to people slamming the gym door open like that. Thankfully, no one noticed.

"We have a practice match!!" He yelled. "With one of the top four schools in the prefecture! It's pretty last minute though." Tobio froze. The chances that it was Shiratorizawa who requested the match was very dim, and the other two schools were pretty far from Karasuno for a last minute practice match. Which leaves...

"Aoba Johsai. Also known as Seijoh." Takeda explained. No, no, no, no, no! If it's Seijoh then that means-

"But they have a condition. Kageyama has to be the setter for the whole game." Dammit! Oikawa that bastard! Wait- what will Sugawara-san think? Will he be mad? Hate him just like Oikawa does? "Ok." Tobio looked at his senpai with a overly surprised look. "B-but!! You're the main setter! I can't do that- I don't deserve to-!" Sugawara-san just smiled. "I want to see how effective the quick with Hinata is." Oh. He's not mad. That's....weird. It feels weird. Tobio nodded hesitantly.


Me: We have a practice match with Seijoh.

Keiji-san: The school you wanted to go to? Will you be fine?

Me: Yeah. I chose not to go. It's not like they rejected me.

Keiji-san: Yeah. Ok. How was practice?

Me: Nothing to note. You?

Keiji-san: Bokuto-san keeps bugging to see my mark. It's annoying.

Me: I don't want to meet this Bokuto-san ever. You never get this annoyed.

Keiji-san: He'll cry if I tell him that.

Me: Good.

Keiji-san: Who hurt you??

Me: Everyone

Keiji-san: Ok edgelord. I have to go. Goodnight and good luck for the match

Me: Goodnight and thank you.


The match came faster than Tobio realized. In the blink if an eye, he was standing in front if his dream school. That dumbass vomited on Tanaka-san. "He's getting sick again?! That is so pathetic, I'm gonna teach him a lesson!" Sugawara-san had to hold Tobio from beating up Hinata.


That day was especially hot, and Tobio was sweating uncomfortably in his long sleeved shirt. For someone who's usually shivering from slight breeze, Tobio felt like dying. Especially since his mother gave less money than usual, and he had to buy a new bottle of make up, so he was hungry. He weakly followed his team, even encountering Kindaichi. Tobio just answered with a hum when Kindaichi mocked him, to hot to think properly.

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