What They Asked For

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I didn't want to ruin this chapter with an A/N but damn- the last chapter (Goodbye) happened before Tobio's accident ("Tobio..?") from IwaOi's PoV

Includes medical info that is vague and a short therapy/psychiatrist session (I don't know how it works exactly, but it's short enough that I hope there isn't any misconceptions, please do tell me).



"Mommy...ish Papa otay?"

Three year old Tobio stood beside the bed, his stubby fingers grasping his Vabo-chan plush. His voice was soft, wary of the reaction he might get. Rei Kageyama stood beside him, hair let loose for the first time in a while.

"I don't know, Tobio."

Tobio looked down to the floor, before lifting his head to look back at Kaito.

His body was still, apart from his chest moving up and down. Tobio kept his eyes on his father, before shifting them towards the lines going up and down. The man in the white coat said that the lines on it was Papa's heartbeat and that if the lines become flat, then Papa was in trouble. Tobio wondered though, if that was the case, why not make the lines beep forever, so Papa would never be in trouble!

The beeps suddenly quickened, and Mommy clenched her fist. The beeps became normal again just as quickly though, and Tobio could hear a small sigh of relief.

The beeps continued, filling the white room.


Tobio groaned, his head hurt. Slowly, he opened his eyes, letting the bright light seep into his eyes. Tobio hissed, trying to sit up.

What happened-

"Tobio? Oh my- you're awake!"

Tobio spun to the left, surprised. "Mother..?"

Rei ran towards her son, already tearing up. And by how red her nose was, it seemed like she has been crying for a while.

"God, Tobio I'd- I'd thought you'd die I-" she babbled as she clung onto her son's patient dress.

Tobio didn't know how to feel.

"What... what happened?" Tobio said slowly, still unsure of how to feel.

Rei became silent, before sighing.

"You... you were bleeding. The boy- god, who was it.. Hikaru-kun, I think, saw you run to Kaito's old house, but you were fidgety, shaky. He tried to call out to you, but you didn't answer. He called me up, worried, before he said he'd check up on you because you didn't close the front door. I'm so glad he did- I- I could've lost you- you've been unconscious for a week now-- " She started to tear up again, it was odd.

Tobio shifted uncomfortably, which was noticed by Rei.

She sighed, sadness in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Tobio."



She looked up again, a regretful look on his face.

"For... hitting you, all those years ago. I know I'm to blame, and a simple sorry isn't going to fix what I've done to you. Years of abandonment I- I'm getting help."

Tobio looked up, "What?"

Rei smiled shakily. "I'm seeing a psychiatrist now. Nobu.. we, had a fight, of sorts. He knocked some sense into me, made me realize how wrong I've been treating you. How wrong my parents treated me. I hope- I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me, properly. But Tobio, please, let me here for you. I don't-" She choked, "I don't want to lose you again.."

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