A Glance: Rei Ikumoto

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HI IM BACK WITH AN UPDATE :D I've been wanting to write this chapter for a while but I didn't know when would be good and I wasn't really sure where to head with this but I'm really satisfied with this chap! Hope you like it!! (Contains slight victim blaming? Idk if the term is correct but basically blaming someone for getting an illness so)


Akaashi Rei, previously Kageyama Rei, maiden name Ikumoto Rei. She was born and raised in the outskirts of Tokyo, close enough to be considered Tokyo, but out enough that prices weren't raised. A studious kid, mostly seen in the library with mountains of books. With long black hair, deep purple eyes and clear skin, she was practically a perfect child.

The Ikumotos were a wealthy family, earning their fortune from a long-running career in marketing. They were also a traditional family, despite how their company needed to keep up with times to grow. Their teachings were strict, any and all forms of defiance were looked down upon heavily. And Rei obliged, followed every rule, every step, every order. It didn't bother her, it was all normal.

And then she met Kaito Kageyama, her soulmate. His humerus sprung with dazzling tulips. Rei didn't know they were soulmates, as Rei was prohibited from touching the opposite gender in honour to "preserve her innocence". They became friends. Her first friend.

Kaito was a fun guy. He wasn't approved by the Ikumotos, him being a guy and all, but Rei felt more close to him because of that. He played volleyball throughout high school, lots of girls were into him. They would often crowd around Rei, asking her details about their 'relationship'. Rei was confused, they were just friends? And when she said so, the girls would giggle, before asking them stories about Kaito, to which she happily told. Why not share them, her best friend was amazing.

University came, the two conversing regularly despite going to different institutions. Kaito got a degree in computer design technology, but chose to spend his time as a coach teaching kids volleyball.


Rei never played the sport, nor was she interested. But Kaito taught her once, a small reunion before Kaito moved to Miyagi. Rei remembered watching in slow motion as the ball slipped out of her hands, her feet moving back on instinct and tripping. She could see Kaito rushing over to catch her.

And then their skin touched.

And their marks burned.

Rei fell onto the ground, the hand Kaito reached out now to his chest, the man himself hissing from the pain. Rei's wasn't as bad, her soulmark was a simple sunflower, but it still hurt. They say the older you are the harder it hits, and Rei was inclined to believe it.

Kaito passed out, Rei called an ambulance.


When the Ikumotos found out about Kaito being her soulmate, everything flipped on its head.

Rei didn't know what to do. He didn't want to marry Kaito. He was sweet and kind, yes, but she didn't see him that way. It was confusing. She didn't want to go against the family orders, afterall those who rejected their soulmates were looked down upon, broken to society. And that would ruin the family name. She couldn't do that.

So she sucked it up, and agreed to marry Kaito. She didn't know how he felt about the marriage, he talked about finding his soulmate a lot. He always seemed excited, naive in a way, the thought of having someone special made him happy. And Rei understood, she wanted someone special that made her happy, and Kaito did that, just not in the way she expected a soulmate to. But seeing the look in Kaito's eyes when he woke up and saw his blooming purple, then looked at her with adoration in his eyes...

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