Screams and Shouts

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Tobio walked into the gym of Karasuno. He knew that first years weren't required to go join club activities during the first week, but he couldn't wait to play volleyball again. The only times he stepped out of the house was when Keiji came to visit and they played volleyball together. The gym was empty, so Tobio decided to practice some serves.

His seventh serve was interrupted by the door swinging open violently. Tobio flinched. He saw the orange haired boy from the last tournament. "Geh??? What're you doing here?!?" the boy shouted. Another flinch. Slamming doors and shouts brought back very dark memories he wanted to forget.


Five year old Tobio wasn't a talkative child. Because of his papa's declining health, Tobio stayed at home, keeping him company, so he rarely talked to other children. But that wasn't the only reason he was quite.

The screams. The shouts.

They wouldn't stop.

Tobio huddled in the corner of his room, covering his mouth. If mommy heard him cry she would hit him again. And shout.

Always the shouting.

Tobio thought nothing could be worse than the shouts and screams. Nothing could be worse than the loud noise he hears every time his mommy comes home after months travelling for work. Nothing could be worse.

But the deafening silence right after that loud slam of the door that resonated around the house was so much worse.


"Papa...? What happened.... where's mommy...?" Tobio asked, wiping his tears. Kaito smiled weakly, opening his arms. "C'mere King. Your mommy, she... she's going away for a long time. But it's fine. I'll be with you. Be strong ok, Tobio? C'mon, let's get you tucked in. We can play volleyball tomorrow." Tobio just nodded. Going away? How long? Longer than usual? Tobio wanted to ask the questions lingering inside his head, but seeing his papa's tired and sad face, he kept quiet.


They got kicked out. "Dumbass! It's all your fault!" "What?! It's your fault?!" Tobio just wanted to play volleyball, why was he kicked out. "What should we do?" The smaller one asked. Tobio just sighed. Tobio suggested that they have a match to prove that the two boys could get along.


Someone hit it. His toss. And they won. They won! Tobio could keep playing as a setter. He could still make his papa proud. Hinata was jumping up and down, very happy. Tobio let himself smile, I'll make you proud papa.



Sorry this one's short! I just moved back into my dorm room and I'm tired as fuck. Anyway, thank you for the comments and votes! I really appreciate it!

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