We Will Win

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Karasuno were sitting in the stands, watching Seijoh's match. They just won against Date Tech, the team Karasuno lost to before, the one that made Azumane-san want to quit. But they won in the end, and now they were here, watching Oikawa serve.

Tobio watched carefully as the ball went up and was slammed into the ground, the sound resonating throughout the venue. It was.. mesmerizing. Tobio has been trying to perfect the serve for years, watching countless videos of Oikawa's serve just to master it. But he wasn't good enough. Nothing could compare to the original.

"Sure, his serves are scary, but Oikawa as a setter is completely unknown to us", Sugawara said. Well, not all of us.

"Y'know... a setter is like a conductors. Even if you have the same orchestra, the same song, if the conductor is different, you'll get a completely different sound."

"How do I put it... It seems like they have some sort of powerful connection..." Sugawara commented, and Tobio felt a sharp pang.

"Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san, the number 4, gave known each other since they were small. They're also soulmates."

That came out a bit strained, and Sugawara gave Tobio an odd look, but didn't ask. Tobio felt Hinata's gaze on him, as if to see if Tobio was going to say anything about his bond with them.

The ball slammed into the floor, earning a point for Seijoh. That was it, they won. Karasuno was up against them next.

"Alright, make sure to eat a proper dinner and get a good night's sleep, got it!"

The team was dismissed, and Tobio immediately went on his way, not bother waiting for Hinata like he usually does.

We're up against Oikawa-san tomorrow. I'll have to face them, and it would be tense when we meet up to talk, no matter who wins.

Tobio remembers the first few attempts to ask Oikawa to teach him his serve. Oikawa kept saying his motto, "If you're gonna hit it, then hit it till it breaks", instead of teaching him.

"Hey, Kageyama! You're gonna end up permanent forehead wrinkles even though you're still just a teen!"


"Tomorrow, we're going to defeat the Great King..."

Defeat... Oikawa-san...

"...and end up on TV, so you should practice looking good for that!"

"Mind your own business!! We'll win that match. If we don't, we can't advance."

Tobio stared at the ceiling of his room, he couldn't sleep, He was nervous but excited, for the match at least. He was scared of what came after. The talk.

If Karasuno won, they'd probably prefer to not see Tobio's face, and they'd either not show up or end up saying rash things from frustration. But if Seijoh won, Tobio doesn't know how to handle that. He'd probably go through a depressive episode. He'd have to show up though, he needed answers.

The stadium was loud, Aoba Johsai's cheering squad was bigger than Date Tech's. And they also had...

"Oikawa-kun!!! Do your best!"

Tobio flinched, still not used to screaming fangirls. He looked over to see Oikawa waving at said girls, and he wondered how Iwaizumi didn't feel jealous.

Maybe he is, I would be.

He ignored the part of him that pointed out that he just implied he was jealous of Oikawa's fangirls.

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