A Glance: Kindaichi

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So "A Glance" is basically like filler chapters while I plan this shit lol. It's mostly random tho.


Kindaichi met his soulmate early in his life. Kunimi Akira. His soulmark was of a candy wrapper, some soft of sweet, located on the sole of his left foot. He met Kunimi during his first year in middle school, and they began hanging out. The actually bond happened at an awkward moment, Kunimi fell during gym class, and his ankle was sprained. The teacher asked KIndaichi to bring Kunimi to the nurse's office, but when they made contact, Kindaichi's foot started burning, and he fell on top of Kunimi as a result.

Both of them had to stay in the nurse's office and couldn't walk without help.

A month into school, a new student joined their class. Kageyama Tobio. He was chubby, had blue eyes and jet-black hair. Kageyama was seated beside Kindaichi, which has been empty since the year started, stating that the student that was supposed to sit there had some complications and couldn't attend school just yet. Kindaichi had thought the student would never come, but here he was. Kageyama Tobio, the name that was assigned to that table. The one kid who, now that Kindaichi thought about it, always wore a band or bracelet or anything really, on one of his hands.

Turns out Kageyama also played volleyball, as thus started their friendship. On the first day, he was picked up by someone Kindaichi presumed as his father, who called him "King", which Kunimi and Kindaichi teased Kageyama for. Kageyama was awkward, sort of, not used to people, but he was good at volleyball, even being the reserve for Oikawa-senpai, surpassing the second year setter. He looked up to Oikawa, and constantly asked him for help.

Oikawa though, seemed to hate Kageyama for some reason. Even Kindaichi, who is always described as oblivious could see that. Kageyama didn't see it, or at least, ignored it, still continuing to ask Oikawa-senpai for help. Iwaizumi-san would stop Oikawa-senpai from doing something risky. That was their dynamic, a constant.

One day though, the dynamic just disappeared. Kageyama stopped asking Oikawa-senpai for help, stopped following him around the gym. Oikawa stopped bothering him -or at least the teasing was less-, he ignored Kageyama more extremely than he'd been before. Iwaizumi seemed to stopped checking up on him, the short random looks he used to give Kageyama stopped. There was an obvious tension of sorts, Kageyama seemed... scared? Tense with them.

Then second year happened, Kageyama was made the official setter. Near the end of the year, he was called by the coach in the middle of a practice match, and he skipped school for some time, avoided us. He yelled at us, which was.. surprising at first. It got worse, so much worse. He seemed to snap, constantly telling us to do better, faster, it was frustrating. Kindaichi hated it, Kunimi hated it, they all hated it.

And so third year happened.

We don't talk about that.


He didn't join Aoba Johsai after they graduated. Kindaichi expected that.

Oikawa got a practice match with Karasuno, where apparently Kageyama went to. when the day actually came though, he seemed.. weaker, paler. Even when Kindaichi tried to provoke him, he replied with a tired hum.

Kindaichi had an encounter with one of Karasuno's players while walking with Yahaba, which he learned his name to be Hinata.

"Well, then how is Kageyama doing? Our king seems as pompous as usual."

"That's not how he is! It's not about being pompous. Under the dictatorship of the great King Kageyama, commoners like me are oppressed, made to bitterly suffer. Just because he's a little skilled! Who does he think he is?"

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