Who is He?

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Tobio was woken up by the smell of food, the ringing of his phone and a tingling feeling on his hand. Groaning, Tobio sat up, realising that he was on the sofa instead of the floor. Walking towards the smell of food, he saw a slender boy, black slightly-curly hair cooking. Realising that he didn't know who that is and how they got into his house, he stumbled back, falling on the ground.

"W-who are y-you? What're you..? How..?" Tobio stuttered out, ignoring his hand that's still tingling. "Calm down, Tobio. Can I call you that?" Tobio nodded, trusting this stranger for some reason. "My name's Akaashi Keiji. Also known as your half brother. Your mom kept calling you and you didn't come home. Father suggested that I search for you here. Rei has an extra key. It's fine, I told her you're safe." Tobio just nodded at the explanation, still processing the information. He should have probably asked for an ID or something but he couldn't think straight, just having woken up.

"You must be hungry. There isn't any food here so I ordered some curry and heated it. That's fine right?" Tobio continued to nod, sitting at the table where Keiji had put the food. The adrenaline wore off, and Tobio felt the tingling. He looked down at his arm and his eyes went wide.

Iwa-chan why is the key breaking?!

I don't know! I'm fine! You??

I feel normal!! You don't...

Kageyama? Are you ok?

Tobio-chan?? Please reply. What's happening??

Kageyama? Tooru do you have his number?

I don't, I deleted it when we graduated!

Shit, ok. Uhm..

Hello. My name is Akaashi Keiji. Tobio is fine. He passed out on the floor but I have put him on his sofa. Sorry for worrying you. I'm not sure what happened but he seems to be tired.

Oh. Ok... Who are you again?

I don't mean to be rude but if Tobio hasn't told his soulmates I don't think I have the right to tell you. Apologies. I'll remind Tobio to write to you when he wakes up.

Uhm.. ok. Thank you, Akaashi-san.

Tobio felt his hands shake. Shit. He let the wall down. No. No. No. no no no no no. Tobio looked at his mark. There were more chains around the heart, seeming to squeeze it. Tobio didn't want to alarm his half brother, so he tried to control his breathing and ate the curry. "Thank you for the food."

"Akaashi-san-" "You can call me Keiji. It's only fair, we are brothers, blood-related or not." Tobio nodded, feeling his mouth curling into a smile. Keiji talked like Nobu, warm and soft, yet confidently. "Thank you, Keiji-kun." Keiji smiled, and Tobio saw how similar he looked to Nobu. "Rin's worried about you. We should probably go home. After you write to your soulmates". Tobio almost choked.


Tobio nodded. Finishing his bowl of curry, he threw away the plastic container. Tobio found a pen, and for the first time, and probably last, he wrote to his soulmate.

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

Tobio put up a new wall, and he felt the tingling fade away. He didn't wait for them to read it because he knew that the writing could still be read, as evidenced by the faded writing on his arm. He took his bag and followed Keiji. Both men weren't the type to talk much so they walked in comfortable silence which Tobio appreciated.


"Hey mom..."

"Tobio! Where were you?! Do you know what it would've looked like of people found out I lost you?!! Go to your room and change. You have guitar classes today."

Tobio nodded silently, walking to his room and taking a quick shower before getting dressed and going out. The Akaashi's were going back to Tokyo that day, Rei was just there to give his allowance, so Keiji and his just exchanged numbers.

The meeting with his brother was slightly happy, but then everything that happened the day before came back. Right. Everyone hates me.

Tobio skipped school, and in extension, practice. The finals were over anyway and the volleyball season has ended.


Hello. My name is Akaashi Keiji. Tobio is fine. He passed out on the floor but I have put him on his sofa. Sorry for worrying you. I'm not sure what happened but he seems to be tired.

Tooru stared at the words littered on his skin, and he felt like it was the first time Hajime ever wrote to him. To think that the first thing Tobio-chan would write was not even written by him. At least that confirmed that the wall went down. Tooru glanced at his mark, a now breaking key before writing a reply.

Oh. Ok... Who are you again?

I don't mean to be rude but if Tobio hasn't told his soulmates I don't think I have the right to tell you. Apologies. I'll remind Tobio to write to you when he wakes up.

What does he mean by that? Tooru thought. He wanted to write something, wanted to know what was wrong. But then Hajime replied with a thank you and he dropped it.


"Wake up Shittykawa!"

"Ya.... ya...." Tooru sat up in bed, opening his eyes and quickly shutting them from the sudden ray of light.

"Tooru! You're gonna be late for your date! Hajime's already here."

"I know mom!" Tooru slowly got up, and walked over to his shower. Turning the water on, he let the warm water soothe his skin. He was washing his arm, when he noticed it.

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

Oh, Tooru didn't have words. Then the words faded into a light grey, and the broken key fixed. The wall's back up.

Tooru got dressed, opting for long sleeves. He didn't know why, but looking at the faint writing, right beside the ones that are black, he felt uncomfortable.

Locking eyes with Hajime, they nodded, seemingly understanding each other. Hajime put on his jacket, thus covering the writing too.

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