The Week Isn't Over Yet

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Tobio sighed, dragging his feet on the gravel road. That day was hard on Tobio, and for some reason each step felt heavier than before.

As his house came into view, Tobio saw two figures, Honestly, he didn't know if he shouldn't be surprised anymore. They were waiting.

"Good evening, Iwaizumi-san, Oikawa-san."


"Kageyama. I hope you don't mind us coming unannounced."

Tobio shook his head, too tired to reply. He opened the door, waving them in.

"We brought take out today so you don't have to cook"

Tobio hummed, sitting on the floor and leaning onto the couch.

"Tobio-chan, you good? You look tired.."

" 'm fine, maybe the exhaustion finally caught up.." Tobio weakly reached to take the food Oikawa gave him.

"Exhaustion? From practice?" Iwaizumi asked, sitting next to Tobio and starting to dig into his food.

"No.." Tobio said, eating a spoonful of rice into his mouth, chewing slowly.


Tobio's eyes felt heavy now, and he started leaning onto Iwaizumi.

" ish 'cauve ofm the wallm...."

Tobio blacked out.

Tobio woke up in his bed, his alarm waking him up. He groaned, sitting up and trying to find his phone. Surprisingly, it was beside his bed, on his side table, charging. Under that, a note.

We went home after you fell asleep on my shoulder, see you tomorrow (or today I guess?) Shittykawa and I are bringing you food so make sure to rest up

Tobio felt his heart churn, No- too early. Think carefully Tobio.

Tobio took a shower, got dressed and went on his way to school.

It was during after noon practice when Karasuno received good news.

Takeda-sensei burst through the door, Tobio pleasantly noting that he flinched less at the noise. Karasuno was growing on him.

"We're going, right?" Takeda-sensei yelled, sort of frantic.

"Uhh, go where?"


Tobio swiftly turned his head, We can go to Tokyo? I can visit Keiji! And.. mom, I guess.. But Nobu-san would be there, so that's a plus..

"Nekoma invited us, but it won't just be them, they're part of the Fukurodani Group! There will be more schools!"

Fukurodani..... Where have I heard that before?

"We don't have a date yet, Nekoma are currently having their interhighs so it wouldn't be held right now, I just wanted to confirm that you'd like to go."
"Of course we'd like to!"

Tobio smiled, he was excited to play with more teams and hopefully he'd find some time to sneak off and visit Keiji.

"Bakayama!! Send me some tosses!!"

"Ya, ya"

"Tobio-chan! You should try walking faster! Maybe run or something? I'm tired of waiting for youuu" Oikawa whined, as usual.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes at Oikawa, instead pulling him to the door. Tobio turned the lock, this time placing his guitar in the right place -he'd just put it on the sofa the day before- and sitting down in the same spot as yesterday.

"Iwa-channnn!! I wanna sit next to Tobio-chan todayyyy" Oikawa huffed after seeing Iwaizumi sit beside Tobio again.
"You snooze you lose" (it just me or does the word 'lose' just look off like ???)

Oikawa let out a whine, while Tobio just took one of the bento boxes.

"Did you buy these somewhere?" Tobio asked, looking at the box. It was pretty rare for Tobio to find a store that used proper bento boxes for their takeout boxes.

"My mom made them! Now, eat up, Tobio-chan, you wouldn't want to lose your muscles~"

Tobio scowled at Oikawa's comment, but looked down at the bento. He hasn't got a proper bento in a long time, the last was on his sixth birthday when Kaito was still able to move around and do stuff. He felt tears rise from the sudden memory of Kaito, but blinked them away.

"Thank you, Oikawa-san" Tobio whispers, barely heard, before starting to eat.

A while later, they all finished eating. Tobio offered to wash the bento boxes, it was the least he could do, and he had some other dishes to wash. Before Tobio could say another word, Iwaizumi offered to help, and Oikawa just kind of.. walked around the house?

"Hey, Kageyama.."

Tobio hummed, placing the soap-y sponge down.

"What did you mean yesterday?"

Tobio made a confused face, "What do you mean?"

"You said the exhaustion was finally catching up, and it was because of the..wall?"


Tobio stayed quiet, so Iwaizumi asked again.


Tobio stopped his movements, letting out a short sigh, before focusing back onto the dishes.

"The wall you made me out up those years ago... It kind of feels heavy? Yeah, like a heaviness on my chest. And the closer I am to both of you, the heavier it feels.. I guess my mind finally caught up to how tiring it is."

Tobio kept his eyes on the dishes.


They were silent, only Oikawa's voice in the background was heard.

"Why.. why don't you put down the wall?"

Tobio stopped, lifting his head to face Iwaizumi.

He saw how Iwaizumi tensed, probably thinking he offended Tobio in some way.
Tobio just smirked.

"Don't think it'll be that easy. You haven't impressed me yet. Oh well," Tobio went back to washing, "The week isn't over yet."


HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! At the time of posting this it's already past 12 here so it's already 2021 and that's just shsjsj off like wth- I'm still not used to writing 2020 on dates and it's already 2021 ???? ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY FRIEND drarryxloves SHE POSTED A BOKUAKA ONE SHOT THAT IS YUM YUM ✨angst✨ CHECK IT OUT

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