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Hi- I swear my post schedule is literally once a month- anyways, I just want to tell you guys my plan for the series (I'm not ending it I swear-) So, I've basically divided this story into 2 (kinda 3) parts, and part 1 is coming to a close soon. There will be one more chapter and an "epilogue" (it's not really an epilogue, but you'll see). Then I'll be taking a short hiatus (lmao as if the time in between the chapters isn't a hiatus already) but I will come back, I'm not going to end it there. The reason I'm telling this here is because I don't want to spoil the next (and final -for part 1) chapter with an a/n.

I want to come back around August 2nd, cause that's the 1 year anniversary of this story (on ao3 at least, cause I posted this there first), but I might come back on July 5th with some drawings (not a promise, I'm lazy :D) as a birthday celebration kinda-

Anyway- this chapter contains me bullshitting medical info (it's very vague stuff, for the reason I don't want to reseach anything)

(Also thanks for the song suggestions, I haven't listened to most of them cause uh- sad songs make me sad to -ig as expected hfhieuhf- and I haven't been in the mood to be sad -y'know more than I already am :') And thanks to wattpad for recommending me barry b benson x shrek ff 😌)


"Tooru, we have to go if you want to make it."

"Iwa-chann!! The appointment isn't in four hours, why do we need to rush?" Tooru whined, putting his glasses on.

"It's better to go now, we don't want to miss it... your knee's at stake", Hajime said, stare firm.

Tooru sighed, relenting. Standing up slowly, Tooru shifted his weight to his left leg.

His mood plummeted immediately, why was he, of all people, blessed with a bad knee. Ok- it was his fault in the first place, ok maybe Tooru didn't have a good defense. Just...

..he hopes he can play volleyball after high school.

It was a steady decline, Tooru should've known.

Yesterday was just the breaking point.


The doctor's appointment had been short, just a quick check up on yesterday's injury, since he had already gone the day before.

"The swelling has gone down, but like I said yesterday, you'll probably never be able to play again. I'm sorry to say. Your knee is very fragile because of the continued straining and injuries, and if you continue playing any further you might risk damaging it beyond return. You might have to use crutches on some days if it gets bad. I'm so sorry."

Tooru nodded numbly.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! You knew this was going to happen! Don't- don't cry. Don't--


Tooru didn't know how he was in the car, much less when he got out and was in the stands. It was fun for a while, forgetting about the injury and just watching the match. Until he remembered he lost, his knee is fucked up, Hajime wouldn't continue playing, he never went to Nationals, and the genius setter was playing in the finals, with their freak quick.

"Let's go, Haji."

Hajime didn't say anything, only a slight nod, and Tooru walked off. Hajime stood up, looked at the match for a second too long to be a mistake, before joining Tooru off.

"Goodbye", Hajime whispered, in a way, it meant a lot.

Goodbye to the stadium, which without doubt he wouldn't be able to go to in the near future.

Goodbye to Miyagi, which he would move out from in just a few months.

Goodbye to volleyball, which..

..which he'd miss.. a lot.

Unfortunately, it was a goodbye for more than he realized.


Tobio stans be like: He's such a cutie 🥺🥺 he deserves all the love, he's just a socially awkward person with an adorable resting bitch face... I mean- HAVE U SEEN HIS BACKSTORY

Also Tobio stans: Lmao Imma make him suffer a bad home life, bullying, probably has ptsd from being abandoned, and add SO many miscomunications UwU

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