Grocery Shopping

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"Hey Keiji."

"Are you ok? I've been ringing you for a while now..?"

"Ya.. I- I left my phone at the house."

"But your classes ended half an hour ago? Where were you?"

"I... went to my dad's house."

Keiji stayed silent for a while, but eventually sighed softly.

"Ok... Just.. bring your phone next time, ok?"

"Of course. Thanks for checking on me, Keiji."

"It's nothing. Sleep well, Tobio."

"You too, sleep well Keiji."


Tobio decided that life just hates him. Especially school.

"Polybonds, although they used to be as common as two people bonds, have decreased in percentage, totalling up to a mere 8% of the population."

Tobio's teacher stated as she wrote on the black board.

"As our body develops and evolves, the connection in bonds has recognised and adapted the fact that poly bonds have higher chances of failure. This is because many poly bonds end up with one or more partners being rejected, forcing them to put up a wall."

And..... there it is. Tobio let out a sigh, thinking about yesterday's... events. He didn't need to focus on the teacher, he'd done enough research about polybonds, rejection and walls to be bothered. Tobio let his mind run, occasionally tuning into his teacher's lecture.

Why had Iwaizumi-san and Oikawa-san come yesterday?

".....walls are very taxing....."

Did they need anything? Were they genuinely just checking up on me like Iwaizumi-san had said?

".....doesn't grow stronger as we grow up, we have to make a new one for it to be stronger....."

But Oikawa-san doesn't seem like the type to do that... and he yelled at me. But then again, who wouldn't?

".......rare, but some people experience the beautiful gift of "rewritten"......."

Maybe they.... no. That's impossible.

"Rewritten, is a rare but very special occurrence, it happens when-"

His teacher was cut of by the bell ringing. "Oh, I guess we'll continue during our next class."


Tobio was practicing serves, trying to aim at the bottles. He'd gotten a few, but most were close. He threw the ball up and slammed it, yes, that's good! It barreled towards the bottle, when- Hinata tried to receive it...., and he failed.

"Boke! Why'd you do that??"

"I was trying to receive it!"

Tobio grunted, grabbing another ball and getting ready to serve, and aimed.

The ball was spot on, and it headed right for the bottle. That's when another person came and perfectly received the ball, sending it to where the setter is supposed to be. He has brown hair, save for a few strands in front.

"Y-you.. you're shorter than me!"

Huh. He is.

"Huh?! What did you say?!!"

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