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Sorry for the long wait, but it is finally here! I wanted to make the whole week in one chapter but shdhhsjs this took so long to write I just- 😀🔫

Another shoutout to drarryxloves for helping me cause my brain was just not functioning shhsjsshshs. If you like Drarry check her out. I personally have do not understand anything about Harry Potter but you guys might so check her out!! Now.... Enjoy!!


Tobio woke up as usual, went to school as usual, practiced as usual. Hinata was the usual, talking about something Kenma said. Tsukishima was the usual, snarky and salty. Yamaguchi was the usual, apologizing for Tsukishima's words (not that Tobio felt offended by it, he came to realize that that was just how the boy acted). The team was normal.

What was not normal however, was seeing the iconic blue and white jacket of Seijoh by the gates. Two of those, actually.

"Oikawa-san? Iwaizumi-san? What're you doing here?" Tobio glanced at his team, most of them were giving the three worried and odd glances.

"Don't say it like we broke into your house!! We messaged you, ok?" Oikawa was being over-dramatic as usual.

Tobio didn't hear his phone going off, but when he checked it was obvious why.

"My phone died, I'm sorry."

"Don't you know how dangerous that is! What if you needed to call the police!!" Oikawa whined.

"Why would I call the police?" Tobio tilted his head.

"Maybe it's because a living, breathing piece of trash harassed him", Iwaizumi smirked at Oikawa, earning another whine.

They kept jabbing at each other, and the team decided to just them be. They said their goodbyes to Tobio, still sending a worried glance. Tobio reassured them with a shrug.

Hinata even winked at him, gave him a thumbs up and mouthed good luck. That idiot.

"Maybe if you weren't so trashy-" Iwaizumi said with another smirk.

"I am NOT trashy, Iwa-chan!!!"

"Uhm, I need to go..."

The two elder boys seem to snap back into reality.

"But Tobio-chan!! We're bringing you on a date!!"

"I can't though?"

"Why?" Even Iwaizumi has a scowl on his face.

"I have guitar lessons. I'm only free after school on Thursdays and weekends."

"What?!?!?" Oikawa screeched. "But by then the one week would be over! How am I supposed to swoon you with my charms??"

"What charm?" Iwaizumi shot back, but ignored Oikawa as he whined again. "When do your lessons end?"

"They end at 5:30, though I sometimes stay to practice more. They start in....." Tobio glanced down at his watch. "Twenty minutes- shit. I gotta go" Tobio ran past them, vaguely hearing the "We'll see you at your house by 6!"


Tobio entered the air-conditioned room, readjusting the guitar on his back.

"Welcome, Kageyama-kun. Hashimoto-san should be done with his current lesson soon."

Tobio nodded at the receptionist, before realizing what she had said.

"There's a lesson before mine?"

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