Impress Me

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Edit 2/12/20: I forgot to do this but thank you to drarryxloves for beta-reading this. She has the privilege of knowing irl thus she already knows the ending so pls don spoil 😔😔


"What're you going to talk to them about?"

Hinata sipped on his "Berry Blast" which was basically a mix of berry juices. They were waiting at the nearby cafe until 2:30 hit, then Tobio would wait at the park.

"I don't know."


"Don't know. I wanna hear them out first."

"Ahhh, ok then...."

"What are you going to do anyway?"

"Watch over you, idiot. What if he hits you?"



"Shut up- you're being too loud. And why would they hit me?" I mean, Oikawa-san maybe... but Iwaizumi -san wouldn't.

"No!! I- I mean, THERE! Great King and Ace!!!!"

Hinata pointed outside, where two boys could be seen. They seemed to have noticed Tobio, and gave what seemed to be a nervous wave. I guess it's time.

Tobio took a deep breath.


"Hey, Kageyama. How are you?"

Iwaizumi seemed tense, or rather nervous? Oikawa was eerily silent though.

"I'm fine. How about we sit first?"

The older boys nodded, at they sat down on a bench, Tobio sitting on a different one. Tobio could just make out Hinata sitting in the cafe.

"How are you, Iwaizumi-san? Oikawa-san?"

"We're fine, I guess. As fine as we could be after a tiring match", Iwaizumi replied. It was so weird not hearing Oikawa's voice accompanying Iwaizumi's, especially since Iwaizumi mentioned their match against Shiratorizawa which they had lost.

Iwaizumi seemed to be hesitant, trying to find a way to continue this conversation. The air was tense, and Oikawa staring daggers at Tobio didn't help.

Tobio decided to break the tension.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day, and kicking you out of my house."

That seemed to break Iwaizumi from whatever dilemma he had, and he hurriedly replied.

"Ah no- no, no! It was out fault for dumping at that on you, and getting mad at you, though that was mainly Tooru."

"Hey!! Iwa-chan you brute!!"

"What? You did start yelling at him."

"I mean- yeah..." Oikawa faced Tobio again, his eyes were filled with something that Tobio has never seen before. "I'm sorry, Tobio. I really am, and I know this apology isn't enough, but I really want to make it up to you. I want- no, I need you, and I really, really am sorry. If I could backhand my past self I would..."

Tobio processed the information, taking deep breaths as to not cry.

"Why did you reject me?"

Oikawa seemed to hesitant, so Iwaizumi spoke first.

"I- I guess I was scared, panicked, or something. Tooru was panicking, and it was making me panic as well. I chose what would calm me down, what was simpler I guess, and I didn't think. I don't want to make excuses for myself, and I know I'm wrong, so please, I won't do it again.."

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