Ignore It

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Before u read this- pls answer the feedback chapter ^^ it helps me alot

Uh- THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT LIKE 4 DAYS AGO BUT I REALIZED I SKIPPED WRITING THE SEIJOH MATCH AND THAT TOOK TOO LONG WGFUYWGF Anyways, uh- Happy Eid to those who celebrate it! This is kinda late, but eh- (enjoy Kags in a baju raya but 2021 version ^)

(I know this is an IwaOiKage fic, but I would like to propose, IwaYama. I've been thinking about this ship on and off for the past few months but forgot about it until I rewatched the second season to write this chapter. I mean- the tension on court when Yamaguchi comes in to serve and Iwaizumi's determination to stop him is 🥵, trust me, ep 21 and 24. If you notice it you CANNOT unsee it. Honestly, if any of you know those twitter au fics on instagram, I used to have 2, both of which went pretty unfinished. My second one was supposed to have IwaYama)


Tobio fidgeted with his fingers, he knew why his boyfriends called him there with a more serious tone than usual. Spring Interhigh was a few days away, and with the possibility of them playing against each other, they had the sort things out. Hopefully. Maybe.

Ayu-san put a glass of milk in front of Tobio, which he took, grateful. "Hajime said you like milk, no wonder you're so tall", she said, ruffling Tobio's hair. "Ah thank you.."

"So, why are you here, Tobio-kun?"

"Uh, Zumi-san and Kawa-san asked me to meet them."

Ayu-san hummed, taking a seat beside Tobio and sipped her tea. "Zumi-san and Kawa-san hmm? I thought you were using first names?"

"Ah- I just wasn't sure what to call you and it would be confusing and-"

"It's fine! You don't have to be tense with me."

Tobio nodded, embarrassed.

"How are you today? I heard your training goes until late, then again Hajime and Tooru get home later than you somedays," she sighed fondly. The handle rattled, and the door cracked open.

"We're home!"

"Welcome home, is Tooru with you?" Ayu-san asked, standing up, Tobio following behind.

"Yup, hai Ibu. Tobio?"

Iwaizumi placed a small kiss on Tobio's cheek, Oikawa following behind, also placing a kiss on Tobio.

"Ayu-chan!! Miss me?" Oikawa said, fluttering his eyelashes. "Of course, Tooru-kun. I'll let boys have some space. Call me if you need anything." Ayu-san said, walking upstairs.

"Tobio, come here. Don't be so tense." Oikawa whined, making grabby-hands at Tobio. Tobio sighed, relenting, and plopped himself onto Oikawa's lap. It felt nice.

Oikawa hummed, resting his chin on Tobio's head. Iwaizumi had a fond smile on his face. (No Tobio was not blushing shut up.)

"What did you call me for?" Tobio asked, nerves getting the better to him.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa seemed to share a look, before looking back at Tobio.

"As you know, Spring Interhighs are close.. and in the event of us going against each other..."

Tobio gulped, "You want me to put up a block?"

"What-" Oikawa screeched, hands tightening around Tobio's middle.

"No!" Iwaizumi yelled, making Tobio flinch. "We promised you that we'd never, make you put on a block on. We're keeping that promise!"


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