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Shit. Should I just.... Tobio glanced at the other line, but was greeted with long lines. Iwaizumi just had to be working at the express lane. Tobio sighed, maybe he should play on his phone? But that would be rude, he'd have to look up and then what? Maybe I should...

Me: Hey, could you call me in exactly 2 minutes?

Keiji: Uh... sure? What's wrong?

Me: I'll explain later. Please just call and act like you're just calling to check up on me.

Keiji: Sure....?

Tobio huffed out a breathe of relief and walked towards the counter. Iwaizumi was now ringing up a customer. Oikawa just stood around, annoying Iwaizumi. Tobio walked in line - the line was empty - looking at his phone, finally looking up when it was his turn, acting surprised when he saw Iwaizumi.

"Iwaizumi-San. Hello".

"Oh, Kageyama. How are y-"



Oikawa huffed, forming a pout. Iwaizumi just chuckled and started to scan Tobio's stuff. He got to the make up and visibly looked confused and suspicious. He opened his mouth, probably to ask questions, when Tobio's phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to take this."

"Yea, of course."

Tobio quickly accepted the call, avoiding eye contact with the other two boys.

"Hey Keiji. What's up?"

"I don't know, Tobi. Why am I calling?" Tobio could feel Keiji's smirk.

"Shut up you dork. I'm at a supermarket right now."

"Ah, no classes today that?"

"You ask that like you don't already know my schedule." Tobio huffed, a pout forming in his face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Tobio. Should I-" Keiji started but was interrupted.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!!!" Tobio quickly held the phone away from his ear, the loud greeting grabbing the attention of the older boys. Tobio sheepishly put the phone back to his ear, sending a small "sorry" to Iwaizumi. He just shrugged and totaled up Tobio's items. Fortunately, Tobio had just enough money. Maybe I should get a job? I need new shoes...

Tobio sent a small smile to Iwaizumi before stepping out of the shop. Tobio placed his phone back to his ear.

"Sorry bout that, Bokuto-san wanted to talk to you"

"Please don't, he sounds like a bigger Hinata and one's enough."

Tobio felt the gazes on him, but ignored them. Once he was far enough, he sighed.

"Ok, you can hang up now."

"No. No. E x p l a i n"

Tobio grunted, but answered anyway. "The cashier was someone I.... we have history."

"Tobio, y'know you can tell me anything right?"

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