Inevitable Announcement

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Hi. So I don't think this announcement is that much surprising, but I felt like I owe you guys a proper talk, so as you've probably expected, I'm discontinuing this work.You can stop reading there if you want, but if you wanna know why and/or read what I originally had planned you can continue reading :D

At first it was lack of motivation to write in general, which changed to me slowly falling out of the Haikyuu fandom (not that I hate it and I still read ff of haikyuu, it's just cause of the lack of new content ((manga finished, anime who knows when the new season gonna come)) so I didn't feel much inspired. Now, honestly, I kinda,, hate this work? I'm happy with it, the support has been amazing, and this was my first ever fanfic that I was really proud of and it's still the longest fic I've written. I don't like the whole ,, flow? and I kept trying to jam ideas which didn't fit etc. it's a mess honestly.

I'm thinking of just deleting the last 2 chapters and leaving this completed as a open-ended thing? It's better than leaving off like this honestly... (tell me btw)

Anyway- enough with the goomy, thank you so much for the support?? Y'all are amazing honestly,, I'm sorry to those who have invested time and mind space thinking about this story. This is where it ends for me, before I leave the unfinished stuff. If any of you are wondering, I'm currently working on BNHA fics, but those are on a different account that I do not wish to mix here. I will eventually start writing haikyuu stuff again, trust me I can't leave Tobio alone lmao, but this is goodbye for now :D (This announcement will be on wattpad uh, when I have the time since I don't open it much nowadays)

Unfinished Chapter 34

Tobio took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. The pristine walls of Aoba Johsai High School seemed to mock him, glaring in the calm evening of winter. Snow settled around him, soft crunches sounded with each step the boy took, following him into the dreaded building.You can do this, Tobio. The boy looked around for any signs of life, What are the chances they'd be here during a holiday, anyway? You already survived a few weeks of ignoring them, luck seems to be on your side, so what could go wrong?


Tobio followed the instructions sent by Hikaru, thankfully he easily spotted the crown gathering near one of many buildings. He looked around for the other teen, trying to spot his bright red hair. Nothing. The boy let out a small sigh.

His surroundings were loud, noisy and busy. People were moving speakers, setting up decorations and sorting through wires. It made sense, Tobio thought in the back of his mind, the actual concert hasn't started, so most of the people must've been helpers or the people actually participating. Just as Tobio turns to find a chair or something to sit on, he spots red.

Quickly weaving through the crowd, Tobio realizes he reached the back of the stage. "Hikaru-senpai?" he said, although mostly to himself. There were more people hidden behind there, yelling around, doing something with their instruments, testing more speakers, doing voice exercises et cetera. The boy looked around once again, still coming up with nothing.

With a sigh, the boy dropped onto one of the nearby stools. Whatever, Tobio grunted to himself, I'll see him when the concert begins. Whenever that is anyway.

His eyes wandered around, not fully focusing on one thing. Maybe it was because of the recent talk with his therapist, but his eyes kept skipping through the soulmark of the people around him. One person had a part of theirs peeking out of their collar. Another person

Main Points of The Story

The story would continue with a confrontation between IwaOiKage after the concert. Tobio would be angry and yell at them while IwaOI would try to defend themselves

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