I'm Strong, Right?

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Everyone is born with a soulmate mark, placed somewhere random on your body. Some easy to cover, some hard. Some soulmate marks are pairs, both having a beautiful tattoo, matching perfectly. Some soulmate marks are matches, like pencil and paper, sun and moon.

At first contact of skin to skin, the marks with burn, and fill with colour.

The second stage will start after a while, and writing something on your skin will appear on your soulmate, and bruises and scratches appear too.

The third stage, the tattoo will start to change depending on your soulmate's feelings, be it good or bad. Good, the pencil slightly dull and the paper scribbled with hearts. Bad, the pencil snapped and paper ripped. Roses wilted, leaves dead. A new moon instead of a full one.

The forth and final stage, is shared pain, when all the bruises that appears finally have feelings connected to them. All the marks has a meaning. Sun, bright, cheerful. Moon, mysterious, but silently reflecting the sun's energy. Pencil, creative, but easily breaks.

Poly bonds weren't common, but they aren't rare. It used to be common, about a 50% chance, but most poly bonds didn't work, ending up in one of the soulmates rejected, and alone, mark slowly becoming dark. Everyone is born with a soulmate mark, but 1% of people didn't have a soulmate.

Tobio thought he was that 1%. His tattoo was interesting, located on both of the insides of his wrists. Half on his left, half on his right. When put together, it formed a heart, covered by chains and a padlock. Tobio actually liked his mark. Even though it was colourless, the chains looked like actual metal, and the heart, although not looking like a real human heart, looked realistic in someway.

He used to show it off, his personal puzzle that he could solve by just connecting his wrists side by side. Until someone asked what it meant. He didn't know. What did it mean? One of his classmates suggested that it meant he was incapable of love, locking away his feelings. Little Tobio just laughed it off, not knowing how to respond. That's when the rumours started.

"Do you know what his mark is?"

"I heard he doesn't know how to feel emotions. What a freak."

"Omg! Isn't that the kid that doesn't have a soulmate!?"

The kid that doesn't have a soulmate.

Doesn't have a soulmate.

Maybe they were right. Tobio didn't know how to love. He didn't have anyone to love. He didn't have any friends, they all thought he was weird. Tobio started covering his marks. Long sleeved shirts, bracelets, wristbands and sometimes make up. He still looked at it though, it calmed him. He came to the terms that maybe he is one of those 1% that doesn't have soulmates. He didn't care.

Not at all.

Of course he didn't care, he had volleyball. His papa taught him when papa was healthy. Mommy was papa's soulmate, but mommy left papa for someone else who didn't have a soulmate, and Tobio had no idea where she was. His papa's mark was very pretty! Tulips sprung on his shoulder, all the way to his elbow, the colours a very dark purple, so dark it could be mistaken as black. Papa wasn't ashamed, he showed it off. Maybe when he was older, he could proudly show off his mark again, colourless and blank. He even noticed that the keyhole was oddly shaped, like two holes closely molded. It made up a heart. Tobio smiled when he saw this. Maybe his mark wasn't so bad.

He met them during middle school, at the volleyball team. They were his senpais, both in third year. One, was the captain of the team, and the other, was the ace.

Oikawa Tooru.

Iwaizumi Hajime.

They were amazing at volleyball. Oikawa-san was a setter, just like Tobio. Tobio looked up to him. He knew how to adjust to his spikers' needs. Iwaizumi-san was, well, the ace. He was strong and dependable, always calm (although Oikawa-san always seem to find a way to seep under his skin).

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