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(Edit: Look at this ^ the audacity of my grammar correction thing, ugh) Sorry this came out a day after I said it would,, I ended up going overboard with the writing.. It's 10000 words now,, just this chapter. So! Uhh- I hope the amount you get to read is enough to make up for 3 weeks and 5 days of waiting :DD Also, I have enforced a headcanon onto you, Iwa is now half Malay, because I said so-

Tobio's phone dinged. He frowned, who would be sending him messages in class? Even Oikawa knew to not do that.

Eventually recess came by, usually he would practice with Hinata, but with the ever nearing exam, he didn't want to risk coming in to class late. Sipping his milk, Tobio remembered the message he got.

Tobio opened it, not really knowing what to expect.

It was his mother.

His mother, messaging him. She would always call.

Mother: Form.pdf
Mother: Here.
Mother: I won't be able to give you money so Keiji will give in to you when you see him.

Me: Ok. Thank you, mother.

Mother: Good luck, Tobio

That.. was weird. Maybe she's in a good mood today.

Me: Thank you.

Tobio closed his phone, sighing. He didn't even question what his mother meant when she mentioned seeing Keiji.

"Kageyama!!!!" Hinata came in, bringing his bento box. "Let's eat!" Hinata plopped into the seat in front of him -that particular classmate was used to it- and quickly shoved an onigiri into his mouth.

"Afm you eaffing somefing?"

" 'm not hungry", Tobio replied, sipping more of his milk. He frowned when there wasn't anymore left.

"So what happened yesterday?"

Tobio zoned back into Hinata, who was looking at him with a cheeky smile.


"Yeah! With the great king and ace!!"

"Oh-" Tobio blushed, looking down at his lap.  "We- well I'm not sure what we are but- uh, we're together..?  We aren't really putting a label on it."

"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy?"

Tobio thought about it for a while, before nodding slowly, face a light red.

Hinata nodded, staring at his onigiri lost in thought, occasionally glancing up at Tobio.

"Ok! See you later Bakageyama!! I have to report to Kenma!" Hinata slammed his hands on the table, promptly grabbing his bento box and walking away.

Why is everyone acting weird today?

Tobio shrugged, throwing away his milk box in the trash can. As he was walking back to his table, he heard some giggles.

He turned his head towards the sound, seeing a few girls surrounding the table beside him. One of the girls tuned to face him, sending a smile.

"Ne, Kageyama-kun. What's with the brightness?" The girl, Kataoka, his brain supplied, asked, bright-eyed.

"Uhm, brightness?" Inside Tobio wish she'd stop talking to him.

"Yeah!" Another girl joined. Great. "You seem.. brighter. Like happier today! Did something happen..?" That other girl -Tobio didn't bother to remember her name, she sat far enough from Tobio that he didn't have to speak to her- wiggled her eyebrows at the last sentence.

Incapable of Love | IwaOiKageWhere stories live. Discover now