A Glance: Yamaguchi

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Jsjsjsjjs Hallo 😃😃 I am back with a new chapter and I forgot how annoying it was to type on a phone. Anyway,, I would like to say I live KuroTsukkiYama so much but there isn't a lot of em and 😭😭 anywayss, enjoyyyy


Yamaguchi Tadashi, green hair that flows like soft grass, beautiful olive brown eyes, freckles painting his otherwise clear skin. Over exaggerated, really. Tadashi never felt that way. The bullying didn't help.

Yamaguchi Tadashi, who, at a young age already met his soulmate. One of them, actually. Tsukishima Kei. Blonde hair as bright as the full moon on a clear night, brown eyes that show his pure emotions, a soft voice, contrary to his gruff demeanour. He's tall too, and pretty.

Tadashi felt.. happy, really happy when they found out. Tsukki saved him from his bullies, Tsukki helped him get into volleyball. It was comforting, familiar, to have someone grow up with you. Yamaguchi balances Tsukishima, if what other people say is correct.

But, there was something missing. Tadashi knew it, Tsukki knew. Their marks didn't fill fully fill in, and for both their and their third's sake, they agreed to not be in a relationship until they met and talked to their third. They had a comfortable relationship, somewhere in between platonic and romantic.

Tsukki.. Tsukki had- has, many admirers. He's pretty, as Tadashi always knew, but somehow his rudeness doesn't seem to make girls wary. Some of them go up to Tadashi with the intent of getting closer to Tsukki. He's wary of them, doubts himself. Do they actually want to be friends or just want to get close to Tsukki?

Sometimes Tadashi wonders if one day, one of Tsukki's fangirls would be their soulmate, and Tsukki would realize that he didn't need Tadashi. He knows it's impossible, Tsukki, despite his mean demeanour, was sweet to him, and has told him multiple times about how he would never leave.

But on the volleyball court, everything seems to fade. Everyone always looks so happy, content. Even Tsukki would be calmer -though only Tadashi notices it- and less snarky after a good practice session.

Then they got to go to a training camp. Tadashi was excited!.. but Tsukki seemed less enthusiastic. Tadashi wondered if he ever got over the incident with his brother.

The first weekend was.. uneventful, in a way Tadashi wasn't sure was a good thing. Tsukki didn't want to do extra training, and although Tadashi knew that's just how he is, but he was worried.

Then the feelings came back, and Tadashi didn't know why. Maybe it was because Tsukki seemed more distant.. So, Tadashi asked Kageyama.. he seemed knowledgeable in polybond soulmates.. right?


So when the next week of training camp arrived, Tadashi went to talk with said boy. Kageyama.. they weren't close enough to be friends. Sure, they talked, and hung out, but it was mostly empty conversations or them just being there while Tsukki and Hinata fought.

Tadashi hopes it would go well.

It hurt. God, it hurt.

Tadashi almost toppled over if it weren't for Kageyama.

"Tsukki! Bring me to Tsukki!"

Kageyama helped Tadashi walk towards their shared room, his ankle burning, when Kageyama said he heard Tsukki in the third gym.

The door opened to reveal- Tsukki on the ground cursing, Nekoma's captain laying on the ground, hands to his ears, and Fukurodani's captain panicking with his vice captain trying to calm down said owl.

"Uh, guys?" Kageyama said, making the two owls look their way.

"Tadashi," Tsukki hissed, "come here." And Kageyama brought him to the bean pole. Fukurodani's vice captain nodded to Kageyama, and dragged his captain out, Kageyama following behind them. Just as Kageyama was about to close the door, he made sure eye contact with Tadashi and-


What the—

The door slammed closed.

"Tadashi," Tsukki whispered, "our third." They both looked at Kuroo, who was facing the other way.

"Kuroo-san?" Tsukki whispered softly.

"Yup! Yup- I'm.. hurts. Fuck- my ears are ringing", Kuroo hissed, slowly turning putting his hands away from his ears. Tadashi gasped.

There was a star and a moon on his ears, one on each earlobe. They were like studs, so pretty.

No wonder his ears were ringing. That must've hurt.

"This- this is awkward.." Kuroo said after a moment of silence.

"I guess- I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, we haven't really talked before Kuroo-san" Tadashi managed to spur out. Kuroo grinned. "Nice to meet you too soulmate. And Tsukki too" he said, grin growing wider at Tsukki's scowl -though no one mentioned his blush.

Tadashi looked at Tsukki, then at Kuroo and smiled.

Yeah, they would be just fine.

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