Ferris Wheel

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Before the actual chapter, I just want to apologize for the late update. There is an announcement after the chapter explaining everything. Those chapter is also the longest so far, around 5500 words, which is usually like 5 chapters,, so it took some time.

On a random note, I was searching prices for flowers and wanted to compare it to something else to make it overpriced and found out that a McDonalds Cheeseburger is 1.69 dollars?? Like what?? It's like RM10 here?? Excuse me?? Is this how college students survive with fast food because I always thought RM10 was a lot guess some places it's just cheap??


"Hey Kageyama, I forgot to ask you this earlier, but what was it about a training camp you mentioned to your captain."

"Oh, you remember?" Tobio looked over for a while, then went back to the road. The three were on their way to Tobio's house, the older boys walking Tobio home against Tobio's insistence. "Nekoma- uh- a team from Tokyo- invited us to go to a training camp. Apparently more powerhouse schools would be there."

"What?? That's not fair!! I want to play power house too!" Oikawa pouted, crossing his arm in front of his chest.

"We play against Shiratorizawa all the time."

"That doesn't count!!! How'd Karasuno get invited anywayyyy????"

"Apparently Karasuno and Nekoma were rivals because the old coaches knew each other. The connection sort of cut off until recently."

Iwaizumi hummed, "When is it?"

"I don't know yet, Tokyo's having their interhighs at the moment."

They were now by Tobio's door, and the two Seijoh boys were standing there awkwardly. Tobio looked at them curiously.

"Uhm Tobio-chan... we have practice that extends till the evening tomorrow." Oikawa said.


"So we won't be able to see you tomorrow..even after your guitar class."

"Oh...ok. I guess.. see you Saturday?" Tobio was hesitant.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi smiled brightly, as if they weren't really expecting that answer.

"Ok! Bye Tobio-chan!!" Oikawa jumped off, Iwaizumi following behind after a soft "See you then."

Tobio felt light.

Tanaka was holding a magazine, Monthly Volleyball to be exact. Tobio didn't know why he hoped for a peaceful day.

"Oikawa's featured in Monthly Volleyball.." he said through gritted teeth, "and it even has his picture."

"Well, he's good enough to play in a national league", Suga commented, peeking at the magazine, "So, what does it say?"

"Uhm, Oikawa Tooru's favourite food is milk bread. His personal motto is-"

If you're gonna hit it, then hit it till it breaks.

"-if you're gonna hit it then hit it till it breaks."

"What the hell is that..?" Sugawara said, slightly annoyed.

"Who cares? That's completely useless!" Nishinoya yelled.

"Looks like Seijoh wants to take down Shiratorizawa, so most of the third-years that were regulars are still there."

I wouldn't expect any less from Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san.

"Come on and bring it, Seijoh!!" Tanaka yelled, pulling the magazine. "Bring it!!!" Hinata screamed, copying Tanaka.

Sugawara hit Tanaka, making him let go of the magazine. "Hey! You're gonna rip it!"

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