Chapter Twenty One

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Calum's Pov
"Where did I put it.. Oh yeah there it is." A small little cough left me walking around my new bedroom, I scooped up a box placing it on the plush bouncy bed wiggling my nose as I do so. I started tossing in a few hoodies and other articles of clothing that I might need.

College was really gonna be a lot different then high school. A lot more freedom but you have to take care of yourself. I nibbled at my lower lip a little my thoughts quite drifting.

"Calum! Your phone is ringing!" I snapped at right out do the same hearing my dad's loud voice. I left the box on my bed rushing out of my room heading straight into the living room where I left it.

"Thanks!" I hollered back to him scooping up the device I answered it with ease plopping onto the couch with a small sigh of relief.

"Hey baby." I smiled hearing his slightly over hyper happy voice. "Babe! Are you busy I was kinda wondering can you come pick me up? Pretty please I don't wanna walk today my legs hurt." A small bubble of laughter pooled from my chest spotting my new car keys on the coffee table.

"Practice that hard huh?" I questioned.

"Okay, okay in my defense this is the last time the third years get to play, so yes, but because you love your fiance please." I chuckled running my hands through my hair that now was a permanent black color.

"Alright I'm on my way, just try not to cause trouble." I stood up retrieving my keys holding them in my grip.

"You honestly are the best I love you so much!" A breathlessly chuckle kept leaving me slowly.

"Hinata! Isn't he preparing to go to college? Leave the poor guy alone!" I could hear Nishinoya in the background.

"Shut up!" I snickered some more going over to the door to get my shoes.

"That's causing trouble little baby."


Driving up to Karasuno took a bit of time since I sort of lived far now with my dad but not too much. I made my way up the little path to the gym where I could tell practice was ending shortly. But I was met with a sight making me arch an eyebrow.

"Why won't you guys leave me alone! You guys are always bugging me." Hinata was glaring at two guys who were on either side of him.

"Come on Hinata, we just wanna see that ring of yours, just wanna know if  the rumors are actually true. Is it true you are engaged to a third-year who is graduating." Hinata rolled his large eyes a bit gripping his school bag close.

"What does it matter to you? You are in my business." Hinata scowls a bit. I didn't like how close and how one of them grabbed at Hinata yanking him back.

"It's not that hard, just show the ring, hey you are kinda cute." I also rolled my eyes before I pushed through the two.

"Hey watch it." One of them snapped at me but I just gave him a blank look.

"I don't like the way you are touching my fiance. Don't you have any manners." I scowled out watching this deep realization crash on him.

"Babe you are here!" I felt him crash me into a deep hug when he jumped at me. I caught him in my arms In a side hug kissing his forehead.

"Hey my love." I greeted him gently rubbing at his sides.

"Oh my god.... You're engaged to Calum Yoshino!" One of them exclaimed backing.

"Dude he has gotten into so many fights..." The other chimed out.

"Listen we were just messing you know." Hinata nuzzled his head on my chest.

"Ha! I never lied about being engaged, I just didn't want you I have a hot caring boyfriend right here wait I gotta rephrase that, fiance." Hinata stuck his tongue out making a loud noise as he did so. I couldn't even be all scary cause Hinata was acting cute.

I grabbed Hinata's hand with the large ring showing it to the guys, exposing it.

"Here's his ring, no it's not fake I really proposed to him. No it's not odd people get married/engaged in high school all the time, though me and Hinata are gonna have to go out to America for it since gay marriage isn't legal here. Is that all?" I questioned in a bored tone.

Hinata was grinning proudly looking at his hand. They were just staring wide eyes. "No? That's all? Alright nice talk, if I see you guys around him again, I won't mind getting suspended one last time," I chuckled watching them rush off.

"Wow you are so bad ass babe! You don't even have to hit first, you just talk and get all scary though I know you are a softy." I stared at Shoyo snickering lightly.  I handed him my keys giving his face a small playful push making him squeak gazing at me.

"Go get in the car you goofball." He pouted.

"Give me a kiss first, I barely see you anymore." I shook my loose curls out before lowering my head down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. Which he greedily returned gripping my shirt pulling me into him for a much deeper and hard kiss.

"Oooo get it Hinata!"

"Still seeing him kissing is so gross..."

"I swear this... If Hinata was a girl he would be pregnant by now."

We both pulled away from the kiss. I laughed nervously waving my hand sheepishly at the team who was peeking out the large doors watching us.

"Hey guys." I smiled waving at them. Watching them grin and wave at me. Well all but Tsukishima who looked bored like always.

"Calum's here! Can he drive us all home!" Nishinoya exclaimed him and Tanaka sprinted at me knocking me to the ground in a very messy hug.

"Calum!" There goes Yamaguchi too.

"Hey! He's mine!" Hinata exclaimed out fast

"Sure why not.. My car is big enough." I laughed returning the hug peeking up at Shoyo he was smiling down at me tracing his arms a bit.

"I told you it's just something about you, they just need to understand you."

"No I just like his abs... Don't hit me!"

"Take that back Nishinoya!"

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