Chapter Twenty Four

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Calum's Pov
The little slump like cloud that was surrounded over me sort of grew a little over me. College was exactly how it was shown. It was fun you met knew people, you have your own schedules yet I still felt a little alone out here on my own. My dad would always call me, and my mom had started trying to reach out to me as well, I wasn't ready yet to face my mom fully again. And my one little happy space had his own little routine.

We usually would call late at night or he would visit once a week but he had to be put on his a game for all these recent matches he was doing back to back. So I did what I'm just good at, which was hiding and sleeping.

The loudest groan left me quietly a quiet huff leaving me when I could hear the curtains being roughly shoved back fast.

"Haru shut the damn blinds I don't have class today." I grumbled placing the pillow right back over my head a little, hearing his small laughter groaning when he plopped down into the bed ontop of me yanking on the blankets.

"I don't have classes either, listen I know you are like In a depressed cloud. And I'm not Hinata but we could still hang out! I planned out all these things it should be fun!" I grumbled somewhere moving the pillow from my head to see him grinning down at me even more.

"Ugh fine just get off me and let me go shower." I rolled my eyes at his happy tone, weakly smiling in the process sitting up once he was gone up off the bouncy bed. sighing running my hands all through my curly hair tugging it all back roughly.

Kageyama's Pov
"Hinata I'm telling you this right now. I semi care about your stupid self, but come on!" A harsh annoyed sighed left me smacking at my temple the tension very much there in annoyance. The things I did for that annoying orange headed shortie.

"Kageyama! Come on if you are my friend you'll do this for me! I don't want him to think I'm ignoring him, my mom took my phone away and I can't visit him.. It's been three months." His voice was highly growing irritating and I knew he wasn't gonna stop if I didn't.

"Will you shut up, if I go pay your annoying fiance a visit?" I quickly moved out of the way fast when he tried to jump at me with these happy tears and laughter.

"You are the best!"

"Yeah yeah!"

I was so dreading this far as bus ride to this university. I was a little thankful I still had a long ways to go if even then if I was going to college. Hinata had written down all Calum's room info and even the dorm directions. Suppose he can be really smart can't he.

I scanned my eyes all around the hallway the fresh scent of too much cologne hitting my nose almost making me gag. When I had actually arrived at Calum's dorm the door was wide open much to my confusion.

"Calum! Where the hell are you." I grumbled stepping into the room, yeah I can tell this was his room. It was neat. I heard a voice but it most definitely wasn't Calum's must be that roommate Hinata was talking about I can still hear his loud ass voice in my head.

"If Calum isn't there most likely he's annoying bitc- I mean his roommate Haru will be there I don't like him!"

I shook my head frantically but my body froze up hearing him speaking.

"Guys I'm telling you... Calum is an easy target, he's in a cloud of his own sadness yeah? If I get him shit faced drunk at the party on Friday, and as well as give him some drugs his body is already sensitive to that. I'll be winning our groups challenge in no time he'll cheat on Hinata easily with me."

My entire face grew red in shock my eyes widen watching as this sliver haired boy came near out of a bathroom area.

He was laughing so none casually about it hanging up and all this anger sort of this left me.

Oh Calum... You fucking dumbass you still trust people a little too much. I was quick to run towards Haru pinning him to the wall fast causing him to yelp in shock fast staring at me wide eyed.

"You little piece of shit! What the fuck is wrong with you trying to ruin someone's relationship." I growled out his eyes were still very much wide staring at me.

"What the fuck! Who even are you." He scowled out staring at me up and down.

"Why are you trying to get Calum to cheat on Hinata you fucking dick. Before I crush your throat.. Do you even know what they went through what Hinata went through because of people interfering!" Haru gripped at my arm even more coughing.

"Let me go! It's just... something we do every year.. Where we get someone to cheat on someone and we win a lot of money." I scowled even more in disbelief dropping my hand from his throat.

"Little shit doesn't even matter, I'm telling Calum." He coughed grabbing at his throat I stormed away halfway out the door.

"And... What makes you think he'll believe you! He trusts me... Maybe a part of me wants what Hinata has.... Hinata hasn't seen him in months." I stopped for a moment to take a huge breather in shaking my head a few times.

"Hinata got his phone taken away.. even then Calum would believe the words from his fiance before his stupid roommate. You are using him in a vulnerable state, especially if you know he almost overdosed that's just fucking wrong."

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