Chapter Fifteen

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* I recommend listening to Moments-One Direction while reading

You know I'll be your life, your voice your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this moment in time, I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today

Calum's Pov
I don't wanna do this... I can't do this but what choice do I have... I can't just break the love of my life's heart but that's what I was about to do. My feet hit the sidewalk hitting it crack, and each imperfection.

I hugged myself through my hoodie jacket a bit before I found myself at Hinata's house. The lump was in my throat and I looked up towards the porch where Shoyo was sitting on the steps in his pjs with his own hoodie on himself.

He glanced up meeting own eyes. The moonlight hitting his black hair and his blue eyes at just the right angle making him look magically. "You've been avoiding me for a couple days now? What's going on." I held my breath.

This makes it harder.. The tears wanna stream. "I just need to talk to you that's all." I answered meeting him half way up the driveway, his eyes followed me before he was nodding a bit he stood up standing across from me a little.

"Hinata I can't do this anymore. " I stated, it was quiet for a moment, while he was tugging his sleeves down a little.

"What do you mean babe? Hmm talk to me what's going on?" He questioned more stepping towards me, but I took a step back to keep a distance.

"Us... I can't do this, with us anymore." I watched his eyes grow wide and he held his breath.

"W-what are you talking about Calum this isn't a funny joke stop this." He snapped out moving towards me. I stared at him sadly inhaling, I need to be harsh no... I can't.

"Shoyo... I never loved you... Us it never was gonna work out between us I mean look at us. You're a star player for Karasuno, then I'm just me!" I laughed a little but I felt the tears started leaving me.

"I'm not right for you... And I never was you got in trouble because of me, the drugs the accidental drinking. I'm sorry... But it's over." I almost started sobbing when I saw the tears brimming in his eyes.

"You don't mean that... Calum you don't mean that... I don't care that we are different. Don't stand here and tell me you never loved me... You were my first kiss... My first time did that meant nothing!" He shouted loudly at me storming towards me.

I noticed his body was shaking and his fist shot up to quickly punched at my chest a couple times. "I'm sorry Hinata... But it's over." I cried out quietly, hearing him releasing out the heart breaking sobs.

"Look me in my eyes right now and say that to my face Calum... Say it!" I chocked on my sobs so hard and I stared at Hinata watching him shaking, his sobs growing much louder at each sniffle and gasp leaving him.

I looked him in the eyes and stared at him with my own sadness out, and lied to his face.

"I never loved you Hinata..." Another loud sob left him and I turned away to hide my face in arms my body shaking, when I felt his arms wrap around me so fast and quick.

"Please don't go... No don't go Calum I love you.... I fucking love you don't do this please! Don't do this I'm begging you don't leave me alone I need you." His screams and sobs grew more hysterical.

I found myself almost screaming and turning back to hug him, to tell him I didn't want this.

"I'm sorry..."

"Please oh God please!" 

Hinata's Pov
I kept crying and the more I thought the more it grew worse. My ugly sobbing and my headache but I quickly slammed open the doors to the gym gripping my head in disbelief.

"Oh my god Hinata what's wrong!" Nishinoya was quick to run over to me. My world was crashing down and I looked around at everyone doing a late night practice, even Kikyo looked worried at me

"Which one... Who told him to do it!" I screamed out loudly.

"Hinata okay you need to calm down alright what's going on?" Daichi repeated, Tsukishima had a look of just pure shock, I kept sobbing.

"He's gone! Sugawara!" I screamed quickly rushing over towards him sobbing louder.

"He broke up with me! He's gone Sugawara my heart hurts please!" I begged screaming louder almost falling over till he caught me.

"He doesn't love me anymore... He told me." I shouted.  "He doesn't want me." I cried much harder making my head hurt way worse then before.

"Who did it... I mean it who told him." Sugawara was screaming at everyone fast.

"It hurts please make it stop!" I sobbed out.

"I did..." I lifted my head up to see Kageyama staring at me fully.

"What..." I whispered.Kageyama let his shoulders fall back down.

"I told him to break up with you... So you could focus more I just... I thought about the team." Another loud cry left me quickly and I stumbled up.

"K-Kageyama why would you do that! How could you do that to me!" I shouted in a rage of all my sadness gripping my chest, it felt like my heart was ripped out.

"I lost my only happiness! He's gone Kageyama how can you be so heartless." I trembled out once again the pain grew worse and I slowly collapsed on my knees hiding my head shaking.

"Oh god he's gone.... No no no he's gone." I chanted over and over hoping he would come back just to hold me again, this had to have been a bad dream, a really really bad dream of mine.

"Come here Hinata, come here." I felt his Sugawara's arms wrapped around my head a little feeling my body being rocked slowly.

If we could only have this life for one more day, if  we could only turn back time

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