Chapter Five

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Hinata's Pov
It was confusing... More confusing than anything I had ever in my entire life experience.

It was sort of like a rush soaring through my heart almost like when my hand would come in contact with the ball watching it swish pass and smack against the floor roughly.

I could say strongly with a fact that whenever I looked at Calum and spent time with him I got the same rush and love like I did when playing volleyball.

I must have been dying because I wasn't acting like myself at all. I found myself needing to be near him. I found myself needing to ditch class and practices just so I could become close to him.

He gave me praises something I didn't know I needed. He understood me and helped me. I wanted him... To like me.

It was after we got changed and we were leaving the club room. Practicing a few warm-ups. Before we went outside to run a couple of laps.

I bounced the volleyball a few times bouncing it up and down my thoughts still drifting off quite a lot. I was brought back for a moment when I noticed Sugawara was standing in front of me flashing me a smile.

"Hey Hinata how are you doing? You seem really dazed today." I fluttered my eyes a couple of times to focus on in him.

"Huh?" I questioned a little confused.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I answered honestly wondering if there's anyone on the team I could talk to because honestly, love was confusing, I could even call it love.

"Hinata! Your grades have been slipping! " I winced when I heard Coach Ukai exclaiming at me from where he stood with Kiyoko looking over a clipboard.

"Uh yeah..." I muttered shaking my hair out a couple of times.

"I'll work on it," I answered back rolling my eyes knowing I didn't have time for that right now, but I was gonna have to get them up if I wanted to play in a few more matches and practices games.

"Hey, Sugawara can I talk to you about something?" I asked him a little picking the ball back up to place so it was resting under my arm at my hip a bit.

"Sure Hinata what's up?" I was a little taken back by how eager he was.

"Is it about you missing practices more?" He asked me his eyes shifting to concerned. I kept listening to the loud sound of the bouncing balls but I then shook my head.

"You know the guy I'm always hanging out with...  Lately I've been feeling strange around him but a really good kind Suga... I think I'm in love with Calum.. Whenever I see him I get this rush of happiness like when I'm playing volleyball."

I saw his eyes grow extremely wide-eyed and he stared at me almost in horror like I had killed his family or something.

"No, you don't Hinata get your head out of your ass little shit." I inhaled roughly spinning around to see Kageyama had made his way over after arguing with Tsukishima which everyone could hear.

"What would you know?" I shot back watching him send me a deep glare.

"You know nothing about this guy Hinata, you've hung out a few times you don't know what love is and you need to stop. " I sighed rolling my eyes heavily.

"I'm not listening to you Kageyama obviously you don't know I've been friends with him for months now, he understands me. Unlike you." Kageyama seemed to grow annoyed with my answer and he stalked towards me.

"Kageyama! Hinata stop fighting! " Tanaka shouted over towards us but I just felt Kageyama yank me from the front of my jersey.

"I'm gonna repeat Hinata! He is a bad influence and you can't even see it! You miss half our practices to go hang with some hoodlum riding off into the god damn sunset stop bringing the team down with your confused thoughts."

I quickly shoved Kageyama away from me growing angry.

"You don't know anything Kageyama nothing about him or who he is! How would you know what love really is when no one has ever loved you cause you're an asshole, no one could ever love a dick like you." I spat seeing Kageyama looked at me extremely shocked and he let me go.

"Hinata and Kageyama that's enough!"

I scowl a bit looking away from Daichi who made his way towards us both pushing us both far away from one another.

"I told you both not to your fights come in practice, do we want a repeat of the beginning of the school year." He warned us.

I could feel my heart pounding straight to my ears and I pushed Daichi's hands off my shoulders shaking my head.

"I could care less Daichi you guys can finish practice without me." I scoffed shaking my head walking around them.

I could feel a lot of shocked expressions watching me.

I could feel Nishinoya's eyes  Tanaka even Asahi was staring at me, Yamaguchi, Yachi everyone's eyes felt like they were judging me.

"Hinata don't you walk out the damn door we don't run away from our problems we are a team if you have problems you come talk to me." I stopped a little when I heard Daichi's warning to me.

"Hinata! Come cool off." I shook my head before I switched my direction heading over to Coach who was shooting me a deep look before he gestured for me to sit on the gym floor.

I plopped down roughly shutting my eyes taking in a calm deep breath to relax the tension through my body.

I know what I feel. I wasn't some idiot. I knew I was in love and yet my feelings aren't validated all because Calum has a small reputation of being a trouble maker.

I chuckled darkly sighing placing my face into my hands feeling Coach was rubbing at my shoulders when he sat down next to me.

"Kid... What's been going on lately?" I kept quiet for a while before I just muttered.

"I feel in love with someone that no one likes all because they don't understand him like I do..."

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