Chapter Seven

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Calum's Pov
"Babe! I don't wanna go to practice today... All everyone is gonna do is yell at me." I found myself smiling a little to myself, gripping my phone close leaning on the railing of the balcony, I listened to Hinata's voice deeply.

"Hey baby, just a quick question, how come you guys are doing practice on Saturday?" I questioned feeling the nice crisp breeze blowing through my hair, holding a lit up cigarette. I could hear my dad shuffling around somewhere in the kitchen.

"Oh! Well, it's stupid Kageyama's fault he snitched on me to Coach Ukai so we all have extra practice cause of me oops." I chuckled softly and looked out to the scenery blowing out a cloud of smoke a little.

"I'm sorry my short baby, maybe we should cut back on the ditching, I can help you study too." I offered hearing Shoyo pouting more.

"But I like it when you spend time with me, after all, you are my perfect boyfriend." I found myself smiling like an idiot, and brought the cigarette to my mouth inhaling roughly a bit.

"Hinata! Get off the damn phone!" I heard someone shouting loudly. Hinata then slowly just huffed deeply.

"Hey don't be cursing anyone out remember they are your team." I chuckled and I looked when the balcony door opened and my dad stepped out. I pointed towards my phone and he made an okay symbol sitting in the chair.

"Can you sing me one of our songs from the playlist just to give me motivation?" I listened to his sad soft voice that was trailing off.

I found myself smiling yet again like an idiot before I started singing quietly to him.

"Baby come on over I don't care if people find out, they say that we're no good together and it's never gonna work out, but baby you got me moving too fast, cause I know you wanna be bad, and when you look'n like that, I can't hold back, cause you, you got this spell on me I don't know what to believe, kiss me once now I can't leave cause everything you do is magic."

I singed while Hinata joined in both me and Hinata laughing quietly with one another "Do your best okay, and don't cause trouble I'll see you tomorrow okay." Hinata made a loud kissy noise before we both hung up.

I sighed resting my phone in my pocket I put out the cigarette since my dad knew I smoked but preferred me not to do it so often. I sat down in the chair next to him slump down.

"Is that a new boyfriend?" He asked me interested leaning his hand on his cheeks. I stared at my dad with such a soft smile hugging myself through my sweater.

"Dad he is so amazing... You'd love him, he's so energetic, and misunderstood and everyone seems to love him even when they don't mean it, his name is Shoyo Hinata." I stated with a soft smile hearing my dad chuckle.

"Well, that's a good thing right? Before you use to never settled down you use to break a lot of hearts." I sighed roughly nodding my head slowly.

"Yeah, I did... But I'm not the same anymore dad I think I really do love Shoyo... Just I'm afraid." I whispered leaning back in the chair more.

"Everyone at schools hates me. Shoyo's team thinks I'm like this hood rat. When I'm really smart and intelligent just my teachers never let me show it. Yeah, I've been making bad choices but... I'm so scared I'm gonna taint Hinata, he could get a scholarship, or better he could play on a national team... Then there's me the nobody mixed kid influencing his new boyfriend to smoke, ditch."

My dad unlike my mom listened to me deeply and always gave me the best advice. That's why spending the weekends with him were more beneficial.

"Calum you aren't a bad kid okay? You can literally do anything you set your mind too, you just have to set a goal, and take the steps towards it. I do not blame you for the habits you have. I blame your mom since I know she is the one supplying your cigarettes but the drinking, the drugs. The ditching that's a choice you need to decide not only are you hurting yourself but your future as well."

He paused for a minute to mess with his hair deeply. "I wanna make it so you can stay here permanently because it seems like your mom is just getting worse how bad is it?" He questioned.

I found myself wincing pressing my fingers into my cheeks rubbing at the skin lightly.

"The drugs or the drinking?" My dad once again winced and sighed a bit. "Yeah... I'll have a talk with her." I wanted to tell him that it didn't really matter what he said to her. But I let his words bounce around my head knowing he was really right.

We sat in silence while I stared at the sight of the beach. It would be perfect to live here. Away from everything. But I would be a little far from Shoyo which I didn't want.

"But I can say this... The boy Shoyo sounds perfect for you Calum, and I'm glad you found a source of happiness."

I looked back towards the beach view and breathed out.

"Yeah... he's my happiness dad."

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