Chapter Twelve

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Calum's Pov
Come on.... I know I can do this just drown her voice out.... Don't listen to it at all because you know it's gonna start an argument with her. She's drunk and high off drugs.

A couple days had went by since the whole principal office incident and for the first time in a while my mom was back home again but of course she wasn't sober.

She was just going on this very huge verbal rant that she always went on. I kept my eyes facing the table a bit trying to let my thoughts drift to a happy place, a place where I wouldn't have the urge to yell back at her.

"God I didn't even wanna have you Calum! You are so troublesome why do I keep getting calls from the principal office!" I sighed heavy messing with my black hair.

  "I don't know okay mom? If I had a clue I would know I only got in trouble once this week." I muttered hearing her stumbling around.

"I should have aborted you! I'm so tired of this." I held my fist tightly and squeezed my eyes hard holding back tears.

"You know what sometimes I wish you did so I don't have to live with this guilt!" I snapped out at her. I stood up from the table.

"What the hell did you just say to me! You should be glad I gave birth to you." I shook my head repeatedly.

"There's nothing glamorous about this life mom! You're a drug addict and never are home!  You tell me the same things over and over when you get like this, that you wish I was dead, well you know what! I wish I was dead too.  I've tried so many times to kill myself yet you wouldn't know of! I'm exhausted, and you aren't any help! You choose drugs over your son and you choose it over dad and that's why he left."

She gasped loudly.  "Take that back Calum!" I shook my head starting to cry quietly.

"Just leave me alone..." I slipped on a pair of shoes quickly moving away from her heading out the front door.

"Go die for all I care! Useless piece of shit!" I slammed the door behind me quite fast I felt my body was shaking and my vision was blurry when I walked down the street digging in my pocket to make sure I had my phone.

I roughly wiped at my eyes fast. Answering my phone in confusion, I didn't wanna bother my dad right now.... And at this rate I felt like I had no one but Shoyo but I didn't need to bother him.

"Hello?" I spoke taking a deep breath in looking up at the night sky.

"Babe? I got worried we were suppose to have our little call tonight." I paused my walking for a second.

"Oh shit I'm sorry baby... Tonight's not a good night." I whispered the tears seemed to grow cold on my face.

"What happened? Are you hurt talk to me?" I heard him shifting around a bit on his bed.

"I had a fight with her Hinata.. She told me she wishes I was dead but I always think that... Hinata I can't take it anymore." I whimpered slowly starting to cry.

"No no babe don't listen to her okay... I know she is your mom but she's a bad mom alright! Don't cry over what the hell she said you are ." Hinata demanded at me.

"She's always wanted me dead." I whispered a little.

"I think I'm gonna go to cemetery for a little while... I'm trying to stop smoking." I muttered.

"No I don't wanna leave you tonight... Not alone just give me a minute." I listened to him get off his bed before he was shouting.

"Mom! Can Calum stay the night for a couple days! Just for like a few days!"


I slowly cracked a small smile "My mom loves you alright? Tell me where you are I'll meet you there." I chuckled sadly through my sobs looking down.

"God I love you Shoyo..."

"Not as much as me handsome."

"Alright Natsu remember what big brother said!" I found myself smiling quite a lot walking inside the warmth of the house Hinata messed with his black hair a bit but I watched when his younger sister jumped on me.

I quickly caught her smiling at her.

"Calum! You are so amazing! I'm glad you are staying for a few days, Onii-Chan is always talking about you." I smiled at her cuteness holding her close.

"Hey zip it!" Hinata exclaimed at her playfully kissing her cheek. She squealed out a bit.

"Well thank you for having me Natsu, you are quite cute." I told her Hinata walked towards the living room a bit yelling for his mom. But I felt her hand rub at my cheeks a bit making me flutter my eyes a couple times at her slowly.

"No crying, you are very special Calum, you make my big brother happy, and that makes me happy.  Because I didn't wanna see him cry at night anymore since he found you, he doesn't cry to sleep anymore."

Very slowly I felt my heart break just with the thought. I lifted the young girl up more my voice cracking.

"Natsu I'll try to make sure he doesn't ever cry to sleep anymore alright. You can count on it." She grinned holding up her hand and very slowly we both high five one another.

I promise no more tears

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