Chapter Eleven

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Calum's Pov
Slowly my eyes scanned back and forth between my my report card actually quite proud of myself with the grades I managed to catch up on. My free arm was wrapped around Shoyo's shoulder a bit bringing him close to me.

"How'd you do baby?" I asked him gently watching him scanning his own eyes on his.

"Better then before actually." He cracked a grin laughing softly at me. I chuckled gently poking his nose making him scrunch it up.

"That I am glad about, I heard about what happened at your matches." Hinata frowned and scoffed a little bit.

"I know they mean well but... Some times they get into my business way too much, I forgot to spray cologne on. I smelled like the weed and it was just a big fight I don't wanna talk about it, but did you get rid of everything?" I heard the urgency in his voice seeing his eyes holding worry.

"Yeah I did don't worry.. I don't have anything anymore alright?" His body relaxed a little.

"Good... That's far from something I want to happened."

"Oh come on baby you gotta give me more credit then that." A loud snort left me but I then laughed when Shoyo jumped on me quickly.

A loud laugh left me when we bumped forehead but when then slowly kissed a bit, Hinata smiling inbetween the kiss grabbing my hands to hold which I slowly did holding our hands close.

"Hinata and Yoshino? What are you two doing on campus!" Hinata broke the kiss groaning lowly.

"Crap." He whined on his chest looking up to gaze at my own teacher.

"Well Sensei I'm trying to make out with my boyfriend, till you rudely interrupted, we were gonna fuck." I snorted so loudly Hinata snorting shortly after both of us cracking up laughing, Hinata hiding his head on my chest.

"Principals office now!" She shouted with a red face.

"Oh come on you actually think we would have sex at school- that's a good idea." I laughed standing up keeping my hands laced with Hinata who was smirking at her.

"I don't care! Know what I'm making sure you actually go.. Disgusting." She grumbled Hinata grabbed both our backpacks while we started walking.

"Looks like someone didn't get any." Hinata muttered to me making me laugh out kissing him, my teacher was quite racist and homophobic at that.

"Hinata and Yoshino now I haven't had to see you here in quite a while Hinata, now Yoshino you've been doing good, what is this I hear?" Hinata sighed roughly slumping back.

"Calum's teacher takes things too seriously, me and Calum were hanging out, when she interrupted us, so I jokingly said me and him were having sex." Hinata nonchalantly explained. A loud snort left me and I covered it up with a cough.

"Of course she took it too seriously, we were just kissing." Hinata giggled quietly.

"Sir I really don't see the point- none of my parents can actually come to the school." I gestured a bit.

"Hinata's mom is here, she wants to speak with you two." Hinata looked wide eyed for a moment.

"Oh shit." He muttered. I stared at him a little confused.

"I've told my mom about you, she's okay with us dating really, she just freaks out about everything." The principal left for a moment and I found myself watching a orange haired women walk in the principal leaving to give us space.

"Shoyo." She warned out fast.

"Hi mom... Oh come on mom I was just kidding we weren't actually having sex." He whined out. She smacked him on the head with her purse making him whine.

"I don't care Shoyo it was inappropriate to say that to your teacher." Hinata snickered whining rubbing at his head.

"Actually ma'am she's my teacher." I spoke politely seeing her turn to stare at me quite softly.

"My teacher doesn't particularly like me." I laughed nervously slowly bowing my head.

"I'm Calum Yoshino, Ma'am I'm Shoyo's boyfriend." I told her feeling very nervous. She flashed me a smile.

"Well hello dear... I hear a lot about you from Shoyo he talks about you a lot, it's nice to have a face to a name." She went near me bowing her head, I shook her hand.

"Mom stop saying embarrassing things." Hinata whined out.

"You know you are grounded for a week right?" Hinata gasped loudly whining.

"Mom! No that's not fair a week?" I can see were he gets the bubbly personality from. She seems like such a good mom.... A much better one then my own mom. And that's kinda sad actually.

I smiled at the scene a little pressing my hand onto my cheek listening to Shoyo whining more and her scolding him deeply.

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