Chapter Four

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Calum's Pov
"Yeah, it's totally not creepy to be hanging out in the cemetery at night!"

A low little snort left out from my mouth and right away I almost choked on the smoke that was filling into my mouth looking over at Hinata who as quickly as he let his statement leave him. There was a loud sound of a stick snapping in place.

He shrieked moving closer to me on the ground hiding on my side. I slide my free arm around him, to hug his body close to me looking around the little area.

It was very dark outside only the moonlight outside, I had brought a  large blanket plus another one to place on the ground, some snacks, and of course entertainment for mine and Hinata's little adventure tonight.

"Hinata spirits can't hurt you, that's the darker side of supernatural things, ghost or deceased people sometimes aren't trying to scare you they just are looking to cross over if it's bad," I muttered blowing out a cloud of smoke.

I gently ran my free hand into his orange hair feeling him totally relaxing now in my embrace. 

"It's still kinda scary do you always hang out at the cemetery at night?" I took in a small breath a little gripping my cigarette close.

"I only come here when I don't wanna go home, which sometimes can be for a couple of nights, I only go home when I need clothes and stuff for showers and doing my hair," I explained. I flicked my eyes down to see Hinata's eyes were staring up at me deeply.

"Your home life is stressful is that why you smoke?" I gave him just the quickest head nod I can manage.

"I guess you can say like mother, like son." I chuckled bitterly bringing the end of the stick to my mouth, watching the other slowly spark up a little more.

"You can trust me Cal we've been for months now." I kept keeping my arm around Hinata maybe it would be better if I explained to someone.

"Well, my mom is quite the character. She has always tried her best to take care of me and she is a recovering drug addict, she met my dad when they were in high school and had me when she was seventeen. My dad and her got married when they were young like nineteen. My dad kinda wanted a better life and went to law school and divorced my mom sometimes you know my mom blames me for their divorce."

I paused a little to see Hinata's head moved a little closer to rest on my lap and stomach listening to me. "I can't count the number of fights I've had with her over the course of us being here. I don't know what her job is, but I know for a while we were financially unstable. So I got a job to help her out with a few bills but I got annoyed when she would take all my paycheck instead of the amount she needed for bills. " I chuckled quietly sighing.

"I see my dad every other weekend cause he wants to keep a relationship with me but he doesn't want a relationship with my mom." After speaking it out a little bit louder I felt some relief.

"I'm sorry Calum I know that must be hard and you get bullied?" He asked me sadly. I cracked a small smile.

"Bullies can't scare me Hinata with the bullies I can handle them, I've been getting bullied since I was five you see on both sides it's hard. I have to prove my blackness from my mom's side and on my dad's side my Japanese because of my grandma, I'm very my convinced she hates me."

I laughed bitterly but I leaned back to lean on the tree truck better, startled when Hinata then was straddling my lap looking at me sternly. 

I felt his hands were now cupping my cheek and he was pressing his forehead against my own.

"You are so freaking strong Calum more than I ever could, you are going through a lot and a lot of people like to judge you for your behavior but you are just trying to protect yourself and I don't blame you the world can be super cruel." He muttered.

I fluttered my eyes a few times listening to him closely before I slide my arm to rest around his back to being him a little closer.

"Thanks, Hinata I needed to hear that," I muttered.

"Shoyo you can call me Shoyo." He muttered again smiling a little when he did so I then watched him flick his eyes towards the still burning cigarettes noticing him then instantly started chewing at his bottom lip.

"C-can I you know try? " He gestured. I then suddenly started blinking like a lot.

"This?" I muttered gesturing to the cigarette watching him nod again. That's when I grew a little hesitant.

"I don't know Shoyo what if it messes up your body for you to play." I quickly rushed out. Honestly, I needed to switch to vapes but I was afraid of it exploding in my mouth or pocket. even in the dark with the eerie creepy silence of the cemetery.

"Come on just one time can't hurt." I heaved a heavy sigh before I then nodded lifting of up Hinata then carefully grabbed it looking at it confused.

"You hold it like this. " I chuckled quietly showing him, he then nodded.

"So kinda like suck in the smoke but don't hold it, only inhale it for a couple of seconds then blow it back out." I kept my arm secured around his waist so he didn't fall over and he followed my little instructions before he inhaled the smoke his little cheeks puffed out.

As soon as he let the cloud of smoke out he was coughing lightly whining out. I released a quiet laugh.

"Yeah, you have baby lungs here's another easy way." I took the cigarette back from Hinata who was still coughing.

"That's kinda  nasty." He laughed softly wiping his chin a bit. I chuckled and inhaled the last bit of what was left putting it out.

I then cupped Hinata's chin and he stared at me before he lightly leaned in just for me to blow some of the smoke into his mouth.  Which he happily took staring at me the both of us slowly smiling at one another blowing out two separate clouds of smoke.

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