Chapter Twenty

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Calum's Pov
"No you are doing it wrong baby, you tap like this."

"It's not my fault! Your phone games are stupid." A small bubble of laughter left me when I quickly caught my phone before he threw it at the hospital wall.

I literally had been at the hospital for two weeks and I was ready to head home with my dad. I just had to stop back at my mom's house to grab a lot of my stuff ready for the next part of my life that would be a step of healing and being clean no going to drugs, or bottling things up.

Shoyo had been coming back and forth from his training camp to the hospital to visit me, which I was thankful to see his sunshine face everywhere.

"I think you should stick to volleyball baby." He kept pouted and gave me a playful shove both of us sharing a quick laugh. I looked up when my dad entered carrying a bag.

"Hey you two, guess what Calum doctor said you can come home today so, get dressed." Dad let a soft laugh out tossing me the bag which I caught.

"Yes I can finally rest." I praised out chuckling Shoyo grinned kissing my cheek.

"You're lucky we've been on winter break." He pointed out. Oh he was right if this was back during school I would have so much homework.

"Wait dad what about the hospital bill!" I started to freak out since they were so expensive.

"I got it Calum stop worrying so much, did you forget I'm a lawyer." He laughed gently leaving Shoyo gasping.

"You're a lawyer?! That's so freaking cool, you go to court and everything don't you." My dad let a loud laugh out but nodded his head.

"Here I'll tell you about it while we leave Calum to get dress." My dad ushered Shoyo out the hospital room. I stood up out of the hospital gown slipping on the jeans and the sweater messing with my hair I slipped on the converse but I looked towards the door confused relaxing just slightly.

"Oh hello... Shoyo isn't here he left with my dad." I muttered locking eyes with Kageyama I wasn't expecting to see him for a long while.

"I know I wanted to speak to you... I know the last time I said that... It went horribly wrong but this time I swear." I nibbled at my lower lip but nodded.

"Thank you." He muttered walking in fully he then bowed fully at me standing back up straight.

"Calum I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for getting between yours and Hinata's relationship, I'm sorry for making you guys break up everything I did... Even the team said about you two was out of line and I hope that one day you can forgive me Senpai."

I was taken back by him using senpai. "I... No it's okay Kageyama in a way you were right if I didn't stop me and Hinata both could have had something bad happened. Or worse one or both of us could have gotten hurt, though you did threat me." I grumbled rubbing the back of my head.

"You didn't make me take pills, I thought that on my own, no one forced me to take the pills so Kageyama don't feel guilty like you made me take them." Kageyama sighed deeply.

"No I do feel guilty cause I let stupid jealously effect my thinking... Listen I'm gonna tell you something I like Hinata... A lot more then I should with his stupid actions and everything. I was just afraid too admit it and then when he got with you I realized I never was ever gonna have a chance with him, cause I see the love he has for you, so... I knew what I was doing but it's too late, I never will be more then a teammate to him and I'm fine with that as long as he is happy and I'm sorry."

I listened to him deeply and gazing into his blue eyes I knew he was telling the truth. Eyes always tell the truth.

"I can understand that Kageyama, honestly I use to be jealous of you two, but you can make it up to me by helping me with something?" He gazed at me curious but I leaned on whispering to him his eyes grew wide he stared at me before he cracked a faint smile looking back at me.

"I think he'll like that alright I'll get the team to help, come to the training camp."

"Why is it so freaking dark! Isn't it too early I thought people were training?"

"Well why don't you just go in there and look chibi chan."

"Don't call me that!" I chuckled deeply watching as the light flicked on. I listened to the loud squeak of the shoes on the gym floor.

Volleyball was an interesting sport I could say that. I watched when Shoyo entered looking confused but he grinned seeing me.

"Hey babe! Wait.. Babe what are you doing here you should be resting." He whined rushing over towards me he grinned tossing me in a hug. I chuckled returning the hug.

"I know but I just needed to tell you something." Shoyo gazed up at me in so much confusion tilting his head.

"I know you still have two years of high school to get through, and that I'm almost done with mine remember how you said you wanted to have like a really big ring? But I shouldn't waste anytime when I know what I want." I saw worry flash across Hinata's eyes fast.

I looked up for a moment watching Sugawara and Daichi enter the gym looking confused.

"What's going on?" Sugawara questioned, after getting a quick lesson on everyone by Kageyama I knew most names. Kuroo just grinned tossing his arms over Sugawara.

"Just watch." Kuroo snickered.

"I know that we wanna be together forever right?" I whispered to him very soft to him.

"Of course I want you forever Calum I wouldn't want anyone else." Shoyo smiled gazing at me.

I smile pecking his lips.  I slipped the ring on his finger dropping down to my knee watching his eyes grow wide and the loudest gasp everywhere.

"Then be mine forever Shoyo and marry me." I saw his eyes shaking with tears pooling in his eyes before he chocked on small cries looking at me.

"Y-you wanna marry me? Even though I'm annoying and loud... And act childish." He cried softly gazing at me fully.

I smiled at him showing him the ring even more.

"Shoyo Hinata I wanna marry you because you are those things, because you are you." I smiled hearing him crying more he smiled through his tears.

"I would love to marry you Calum." He smiled at me quickly throwing himself at me.

I screamed out full of happiness laughing but hugged him tightly hearing all these loud cheering and shouting. Shoyo connected his lips on mine deeply smiling kissing me fully which I returned.

"Alright Hinata!"

"Guys did Sugawara pass out!"

"Guys did Sugawara pass out!"

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