Chapter One

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Calum's Pov
The light sound of the shuffling of papers, hearing them roughly smacked against the desk, I had my fist propped up on my chin slightly, keeping my thoughts drifting in a different place. I hated being here, and I don't understand the purpose of school sometimes.

"Mr. Yoshino, this is unacceptable behavior and you know it, you've officially been back off suspension for less than a week and you are causing trouble."

I turned my head to stare back at my teacher whos eyes held a lot of angry. It didn't take a genius to notice that.

"What behavior? You mean me cussing out our class rep for being racist towards me. I'm sorry but I'm not apologizing for that, I've been at this school for how long? Everyone knows I'm half black, yet he still said it, so I punched him and cussed him out." I answered like it was no big deal. She sighed heavily placing her hand on the bridge of her nose.

"If that's all I'm taking my leave, if you have more problems with me defending myself make sure you call my mom, oh wait she's never at home." I stood up pushing in the chair into her desk grabbing my small bag I let it rest over my shoulder, I flashed her a smile.

"Have a nice day Mrs. Ryno and you keep defending racist kids, see how far they get in a world that is diverse as our own," I smirked a little when I heard her very irritated exclaim.

"Calum Yoshino detention on Friday!" I flipped her the bird before walking down the halls making my way up towards the rooftop. Yeah, basically my life every day at school.

Yelling at teachers and or students, getting detentions and skipping the lessons I didn't like. A never-ending cycle.

Keeping my body leaned up on the railing off the roof I blew out another large cloud of smoke watching it travel through the air. I had this little scowl on my face, glancing down at the little key around my neck. You see not everyone just has access to the rooftop.

I had to take time to befriend the vice president who gave me a key. I was already greatly annoyed. I had just gotten off suspension for getting caught smoking on campus by a few teachers.

Of course, it wasn't ideal to just start smoking but I was stressed. I heard the buzz of my phone from my backpack making me drop down to pick it up looking over the message my mom had sent me.

Woman named mother-
Calum I swear I'm gonna beat your ass! You just got off suspension and you already are in trouble again why can't you be normal!

I heaved a sigh and sent her a quick message back still gripping the burning cancer stick close, between my fingers before I put my phone back into my backpack.

"You only care when they call you," I muttered crouched down in front of all my stuff. I then perked up slightly when a heard a small chuckle before a small voice was speaking out to me.

"You do know that phones aren't allowed on school campus." My eyes grew a little wide and I felt little strands of my hair caught in my eyelashes. I had at least been out here for an hour ditching the math lesson, how come I am just noticing this short orange hair both with blues eyes watching the sky.

I placed my free hand on my lips making a shh noise cracking a smile. "Shh, what the school doesn't know won't hurt it." I watched him faintly smile resting his chin on top of his knees.

"Your secret is safe with me." I finished the rest of the cigarette quickly putting it out tossing the bud away. I may have been an asshole sometimes. I knew how some people didn't like the smell of smoke. I stood up, picking my backpack up placing it over my back walking over to the boy who looked to be in deep thought.

I then plopped down to sit next to him. "How long have you been up here?" I asked him watching him hold his arms a little closer.

"I've been up here for a while, long enough to hear you yell at people on the phone." A low snort left me and so I took notice of the little key hanging around his neck as well. So I'm not the only one who wanted the rooftop for peace.

"Sorry about that.." I chuckled watching his eyes follow me.

"No it's okay, I've never seen you around here before are you new?" He asked me. I puffed out a rough sigh wiggling my nose in thought.

"Uh well I was suspended for two months but I've been here for a while I'm a third-year class four Calum Yoshino," I answered him watching those pretty eyes of his light up.

"So you are my senpai then? I'm Hinata Shoyo I'm a first-year." I cracked a small grin.

"I can tell, shouldn't you be in class?" I teased him watching a great red blush coated his cheeks.

"Shouldn't you?" He huffed back at me holding his knees closely.

"Okay okay you got a point there cutie, then if we are gonna have a long talk here on the rooftop. Why aren't you in class?" I asked him yet again. His expression dropped down from his once happy one, before he was frowning still looking out across the sky.

"Do you ever feel like no one understands or gets you?"

"All the damn time, you and me Hinata are gonna get along just fine."

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