Chapter Nineteen

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Calum's Pov
My everything hurt for no reason. I thought sleeping forever was suppose time somewhat peaceful. I thought it was suppose to be a lot different then what I was feeling. But with a very heavy flutter my eyes were open.

I slowly blinked in confusion at my surroundings wincing a little at the bright lights my hand instantly shot up to shield away the lights my face twisted up.

Huh? Where am I? My sleepy eyes focused on the little Iv pierced into my hand and that's when the reality crashed down on me. I'm at the hospital figures I thought.

Once I was sure I was adjusted to the light I shifted my upper body up in confusion God that pain wasn't gonna go away for a while, but I was startled at the weight of someone's head on my leg arm. I flicked my eyes while I shifted around on the hospital bed a soft gasp leaving me a bit.

My lips started trembling a bit but my hand slowly went on contact with the bright orange hair.

"Hinata... What are you doing here?" I whispered quietly watching his body moving in a steady rhythm as he slept. This couldn't have been real could it. I threaded my fingers through his hair more.

"He's been here for a week waiting for you to wake up, it takes me scolding him to get him to head home to shower and eat."   I looked up hearing a voice that made me relax but I locked eyes with my dad.

"I- Hey dad. " I whispered avoiding eye contact a bit.

"I'm... I'm really sorry I don't know what I was thinking at the time I just wanted the pain to go away." I stammered.

"Calum you don't have to explain to me, I know you were in pain, your mom.. Wasn't being a good help but she's going to get clean, from now on you'll be living with me." I snapped my gaze to him so fast in disbelief.

"I... Really." I whispered he gave me a firm head nod. I looked back down at Hinata who seemed to be stirring awake.

"What about Hinata..? I'll be a little far from him." I whispered biting my lip a bit.

"Not too far." Dad flashed me a smile standing up he pressed a kiss on top of my head.

"I'll give you two some privacy I think you two have some making up to do." He ruffled up my hair making me chuckle. I tried to pull the little oxygen mask out from my nose but I didn't think it was wise.

I watched his beautiful eyes flutter open up before he was lifting his head up to gaze at me. A very small gasp left him. I was lost for words.

"I... Hey Shoyo." A loud squeak left me but my arms quickly locked around his upper body.

"You're awake! Oh my god I was so worried Calum what were you thinking?" His embrace was a lost memory in my mind, but I squeezed him like he was gonna disappear again.

"Oh Shoyo... I'm so sorry Shoyo I'm sorry for everything... I didn't mean what I said back then I didn't mean it, I love you I've always freaking loved you." I panicked hiding my head on his neck.

"I'm sorry for hurting you and breaking our promises I was worried that if I didn't do what Kageyama asked... We wouldn't be able to see each other and I was a fool please I'm sorry." I whispered.

Shoyo's hand was gripping the back of my head twirling around the curls, tightly nuzzling into me.

"I forgive you Calum... I know it wasn't your fault but let's not talk about that you had me so worried." He moved his head to press his forehead on mine his hands then slowly stroking at my cheeks a little.

"Why did you take the pills?" He whispered sounding sad. I intake a very shaky breath gazing into his eyes the best of my ability.

"I failed you... I told you I was never gonna be like the people who hurt you in the past, and I broke that promise I felt like I wasn't worthy of being near you again and I just wanted the pain to go so my mom threw pills at me and yeah." I whispered sighing.

"I just for once I wanted the pain to go away." I finished off. The one thing I loved about Shoyo he was an incredible listener.

"Babe that wasn't gonna make your pain go away, God forbid that they didn't get to you in time, babe our pain is what makes us human and it's sad but. " He paused flicking his eyes down.

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to even just lift some of your pain off your shoulders but if you give us another chance I can do all I can to make it for both of us." He whispered. I gazed at him softly tears pooling into my eyes deeply.

"I wish I died... I don't deserve you." I trembled out but he just shushed me wrapping his arms back around my neck his own tears pooling in his eyes.

"You do deserve me... Don't say things like that you are here okay, and it's gonna be okay." He smiled at me sadly gazing at me more.

"I still love you and I always will." I smiled sadly wiping away his tears. I kissed his forehead watching him slowly lay in the hospital bed with me curling up. I watched him rest his head on my chest I found myself chuckling.

"Your hair dye is fading baby." I chuckled running my hands through the roots hearing him huff out deeply.

"Yeah and now I look like Kenma, which reminds me I did skip like half of the training camp, Coach Ukai is gonna kill me but you are more important right now. Kenma's been blowing up my phone." I listened to him ramble quite deeply.

But I flicked my gaze to the large open window watching as slowly white little flutters fell from the sky. "Shoyo look." I muttered nudging him.

He stared  at me confused but looked towards the window a soft smile growing over his face.

"It's the first snow of the winter season babe! It's so pretty wait." He paused for a moment laying his hand flat on my chest a bit.

"In South Korea they have a tradition where when ever you see the first snow with the person it's your soulmate." Shoyo muttered a little he then gazed at me smiling brightly.

"You're my soulmate! I knew it." A soft laugh escaped past my lips shaking with laughter kissing Shoyo's forehead.

This love it gave me a lot of deep shaking fear, but that just gave me even more reasons to save it.

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