Chapter Fourteen

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Calum's Pov
God you would think after all this time I would actually like cleaning duty it sucks ass so much. I thought a little bitterly wiping the sweat from my forehead, I glanced around the classroom a bit a small sound escaping past my lips, shaking out my black hair a bit.

I was little upset that the short peace of the week I got with staying with Shoyo and his family ended when I knew so had to go back home and totally act like my mom didn't just say she wanted me to die. But then again she wasn't home anyway. I

"I'll be back Calum, I gotta get the dustpan." I nodded my head at Sugawara leaning against the desk a bit I whipped my phone out for a quick second to check on my grades for a minute.

If I was ever gonna get an escape from my life until I turned eighteen it would be college. That's the best escape actually. My grades were looking quite good since me and Hinata made our ditching be once every two weeks. I heard a noise by the door.

"You forget something Sugawara? " I glanced up for a moment but I was shocked for a moment.

"Oh it's you." I chuckled a little putting my phone away. I was expecting to see Kageyama really. I haven't spoken to him properly since that one time in the gym.

"I gotta talk to you. " He grumbled out.

"To me? I didn't think you could have calm chats." I chuckled a little sighing, I licked my inner cheek a couple times.

"Alright I wanna hear this." I gestured for him to speak. "I'm only thinking about the outcome for the future, Calum I'm sure you aren't bad, but... At the same time your actions prove a lot." I stared at Kageyama in confusion.

"I'm asking you to breakup with Hinata." I stared at him like he had grown a second head.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not breaking up with him Kageyama! Are you crazy." I snapped out.

"You gave him drugs, illegal ones at that Calum, you don't love him and if you did you would realize that you are just hurting him, look at him? He gets high how is he gonna play volleyball fully if you are bringing him down with your habits."

I opened my mouth to protest but I couldn't form any words.

"I... I never wanted him to take my habits, I didn't want him to smoke... Or do drugs or drink I never wanted that... I wanted the best for Hinata I love him." I shouted out in a rage.

"Then let him go! You are destroying him Calum! If you love him let him go now... I don't wanna have to do this... But if you don't break up with him I'm gonna tell the principal about the drugs." I quickly gritted my teeth.

"I don't have them anymore... Kageyama you don't understand I love him this isn't gonna fix anything." I whispered defeated.

"I want the best for the team... And for him even if I don't show it so do the right thing you aren't good for him and never will be break up with him... At least this way you can see him from a far instead of in jail." With that Kageyama walked away leaving me in so much shock.

Oh...fuck fuck I quickly gripped at my hair roughly started to freak out and tear up. I can't break up with Shoyo... I can't break the trust I've almost been with him for a year. I started to whimper at the thought but with Kagayama's threat I would be arrested.

I would get quite the charges for illegal drugs and possessions he wouldn't be able to see me.

"God Kageyama!" I shouted a little holding my face starting to tremble.

"I can't do this I can't... he's the only one I've loved he makes me strong... Oh god what am I gonna do without him." I slowly snaked down to the floor holding myself shaking starting to cry hitting my fist all over the floor fast inhaling what do I do....

What can I do.... What is the right thing to do.

"Calum! hey hey what the hell is wrong are you okay! Your hand is bleeding hey." I jolted a little in shocked but I looked up when Sugawara was grabbing at my arm.

"What's the matter?" He asked me concerned I started crying even more already seeing Hinata's smiling face in my mind. Hearing his laugh that would be broken by me from just the one threat.

"Oh Sugawara... I don't wanna do it... I don't I won't have anyone. " I whispered my voice shaking roughly.

"Lets get you to the nurse alright? Your hands look back, what's going on?" He questioned to me confused helping me up.


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