Chapter Twenty Three

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*Mentions of well drugs, selfharm, and suicide attempts

Calum's Pov
"Hey Calum we've been roommates for about a month now, I'd say we are friends so tell me your story." I would be honest more then anything, sometimes I never heard when Haru came back from classes, or for the matter when he entered any room.

He was so quiet like a mouse his presence masked by a lot of things. I loosened the tight grip of the pen I held between my teeth let it drop, glancing away from my major art project, tugging all my hair back spinning around to face Haru flashing him a soft kind smile.

"Yeah I would say we are friends Haru, what story about me do you wanna hear." I muttered, I watched his eyes rounded a little, mostly in shock I would assume.

"I.. Wow.. You seem so reserved I didn't think you would wanna open up to me." I breathed out a quiet sound, leaning back a little.

"Well there's not much to hide. I'm sort of an open book." I felt my phone vibrate a couple times on my desk resulting in me scooping it up to stare at the message Hinata had sent me.

Late practice! But I'll try and call you later when I can babe

I sent a quick message back setting my phone back to the side staring at Haru.

"So pick a topic and I'll tell you a story." A soft little chuckle left me. Haru was completely laid back on side of the room, his eyes faced the ceiling, I wasn't really expecting the name to slip from his mouth so easily.

"What's the story between you and Hinata...? If that's not too much to ask." The surprise did wash over my face quite quick like, I was well expecting something else.

"Well that's kinda a long story.. Didn't think someone wanted to hear about that." I laughed quietly rubbing at my neck a few times taking a deep breath in.

"I think your relationship is cute, I mean he is still in high school, not everyday people get engaged during high school and playing volleyball, still manages to come visit you once a week and all." I chuckled a little rubbing at my neck some more.

  "Yeah he is a real sunshine, I owe him a lot really, I guess to start, we met on the rooftop at Karasuno high school while I was smoking." Haru hummed in content looking interested like, grinning at me playfully.

"So a rebel who would guess? You are always doing your class work and coming back to the dorm to sleep early." I laughed nervous like.

"Well I wouldn't say a rebel my teachers just would get on my nerves, they were really racist really, so to escape I would go to the roof and smoke, and or ditch class." I paused a little.

  "One day I met Hinata up there, he was up there because lately he had been feeling sad cause no one seemed to take him seriously or listen to him. I could understand that on his part." I hummed a couple times thinking about it.

"Hinata is a ball of sunshine but he hides it, he gets stressed very easily and was tired of putting up a front which I could relate to, me and him became friends." I paused again to rub at my chin.

"My home life was... Bad my mom was heavily into drugs and my dad had his own life as well. So in a way I adapted her own habits as well." Haru's eyes widen a little his hand propped onto his chin.

"You did drugs Calum? You could have died! but what kind?" I winced a little.

"Eh- yeah just smoking, popping pills nothing too heavy. So let's fast forward a bit, I started introducing Hinata to my bad habits, he started ditching with me, almost everyday, we smoked  cigarettes a few time. Over time me and him just bonded through doing bad things. One day I had gotten him high, when I realized I loved him, that's when we started dating." I cleared my throat.

"His teammates started to notice Hinata going through a change dying his hair black, always smoking and drinking with me, I even got Hinata into doing a few drugs, and every time it happened I just felt guilty of was effect how he played, his behavior was already shifted. I felt like I was ruining his life and his teammate Kageyama also agreed. Just lots of tension." I sighed recalling it all, it really was a lot of stress reflecting it all.

"So one day Kageyama threatened me to break up with Hinata so he could play, and when I refused he threatened to tell the school about the drugs and it's was a little hard on me.. But I didn't want Hinata school life ruined so I did it..." I don't think I had ever seen someone watching so intensely listening to everything.

"My life dropped down a little and my already growing depression grew worse, I broke Hinata's heart, and our trust. My mom wasn't making it easy on me either I already had been self harming for a while, I almost overdosed... Haru when I say this I know I died for a little.. It was touch and go but I know that I wasn't alive." I felt my hands trembling taking a deep breath in.

Haru had gotten up off the bed making his way near me wrapping me in a hug messing with my curly hair holding my head.

"Hey it's okay Calum... Breathe you are here right now, you are very much alive and are bettering yourself for your future alright? It's all gonna be okay." I exhaled a bit feeling his calming hands running all through my hair.

"I messed up so much... And I'm trying to do fix my mistakes to make sure I can fix what can be fixed but sometimes it's hard, sometimes the bad thoughts I had come back, and I promised Hinata I would tell him when it happened but I just don't wanna bug him he needs to focused on nationals." Haru hummed and glanced down at me.

"Well... I'm here for you whenever you need it, just don't bottle things up."


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