Chapter Eight

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Calum's Pov
"Shoyo!" As quickly as I could I had sprung up so quickly rushing after the Orange haired boy who had yanked my phone so quickly snickering the ran off leaving our lunches and stuff in the ground.

I quickly chased after him, catching him quite quickly, he let the loudest shriek out but started pouting deeply when I picked him up carrying him back over to our stuff.

"Gotcha! Now stop pouting alright? I promised I would help you now that's what I am doing, don't be a pouty baby." I muttered pressing a big kiss on his cheek that had him giggling.

I plopped down on the ground so he could sit between my legs, the textbook in our laps. "So English is actually easy most of the time we just sort of make up slang, and shorten words, it's mostly about punctuation and sentences," I explained causally.

Hinata was watching intensely listening to the little English lesson I was giving him. Like I promised I wasn't gonna let Hinata fall behind too far.

Of course, we didn't cut off our ditching totally, but just enough so I could catch him up before finals. Hinata was more of a visual learner. But he wasn't stupid he was really smart.

"You are a better teacher then Tsukishima." He grumbled once the lesson was over. I let a small chuckle out and kissed his cheeks.

"No, he just doesn't have the patience for you like I do shorty. Now I say we earned ourselves a little ditch day, what do you wanna do?" I asked him already feeling a raging headache.

Shoyo's eyes grew before he was grinning and leaned on whispering to me. I looked at him after a minute and started snickering.

"Alright good idea, let's pack up." I chuckled patting his head deeply helping him up.

"Yes! You are the best boyfriend ever." He beamed bouncing around tossing his back over on his back.

"I'm your only boyfriend." I chuckled when he stuck his tongue out.

"And you'll be my forever one too."

"Wait wait! My little energetic baby! I gotta wash it out first!"

"You are tickling me! What about yours I see some still there too!"

"Then wash it out!" The both of us were just too ridiculous for words but I placed some more of the weed cookie into Hinata's mouth which he ate happily his eyes a little red but he then just kept running the towel through my way hair giggling.

"So how do I look," I asked shaking all my hair out.

"Really hot, like a hot bad boy! Damn, I'm lucky." I snorted and ran the other towel through his hair as well. Pulling it off his head I then gasped when he looked up at me.

"I didn't think you could get cuter but I am greatly mistaken." I side smiled running my fingers across his cheeks when he blushed greatly staring at me.

"When you praise me I just feel all... Mushy inside I like it." Shoyo muttered leaning into my hand. I felt this little ping of softness before I then kissed the top of his head when he hugged me.

"I like it when you tell me you are proud of me Shoyo," I muttered. He gripped me in a much tighter hug before he was mumbling.

"Please don't ever leave me... I know now I can't be without you I think I would just shut down." His whimpers made my heartbreak deeply.

"Hey, hey Shoyo... I'm not going anywhere anytime soon okay, don't cry alright." I reassured him wiping at his cheeks while he kept sniffling.

"You promise me. " He whispered staring his big blue eyes at me even more. I gave him a gentle smile kissing all over his face making him giggle.

"I swear it alright now no more tears now." I gently patted his ass making him squeak.

"I still gotta get you to practice so, eye drops times!" I saw his face scrunch up.

"I hate eye drops!" He huffed a little while giving me puppy eyes.

"Unless you want everyone to see you high, then get over here, they aren't that bad." I snickered.

"Wait Hinata weren't you trying to eat butter today like an hour ago-"

"Shut up! We don't speak of it."

Hinata's Pov
"Man I hate eye drops they hurt," I complained quietly rubbing my hands at my eyes. I had bid Calum goodbye after he had dropped me off. Calum was really good at faking doctors' notes.

So we use that excuse I had changed into my practice clothes, messing with my dyed black hair grinning a little knowing me and Calum were matching now with black hair, but when I entered I gasped quickly catching a ball before it hit my face.

"Woah, dude! sorry I didn't see you." Tanaka apologized to me jogging over. He was staring at me like I was a new kid- oh yeah my hair.

"Tanaka it's me Hinata. " I laughed at his shocked expression.

"Hinata! What the hell happened to your hair dude!" His loud exclaiming had Everyone looking at me.

"Oh no... all the signs are happening." I heard Sugawara exclaim quickly shaking Daichi.

"Hinata! How the hell am I gonna tell you apart from anyone." Kageyama yelled out looking more annoyed.

"Just look at my eyes- duh." I laughed walking over to coach Ukai handing him the note which he took reading it nodding his head.

"Alright go stretch Hinata." He sent me a smile while I salute, finding nothing funny but for some reason I wanted to laugh.

"Here Hinata let's stretch! I think your hair looks badass." Nishinoya greeted me with a playful grin while I jogged over to him.

"See thank you, at least someone doesn't make a big deal about it," I grumbled rolling my eyes Tsukishima scoffed a bit but then smirked.

"Hinata how are you and your boyfriend?" He smirked a little knowing right then and there that was gonna cause an argument cause I didn't tell anyone me and Calum were dating. .. Just yet.

"Tsukishima you are such an ass man." I sighed smacking at my face.

"What who is it!"

"It should be obvious Suga.."

"Shut up Kageyama."


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*So little black-haired rebel Hinata has happeneddd but I wanted to make a note that the soundtrack for this book is literally one direction the whole take me home album honestly it made me remember my childhood every song literally could be listened on each chapter and future ones as well

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