Chapter Twenty Five

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Calum's Pov
"Dad we've been through this all I do is go to class and sleep." My phone was gripped very tightly on my hold, leaning against the window to stare out at the window on campus focused like, exhaustion was so taking over my body, and I just needed some alcohol in my system I haven't drank in such a long long time.

"I don't like the idea of all you are doing is sleeping. You should be making friends and exploring that's what college is for- but I'm proud you take your school work seriously." I weakly laughed a nervous laugh, rubbing at my head a few times.

"Gotta keep myself busy, since you know I miss Hinata." I paused for a moment hearing my phone was beeping like wild a few times in the middle of my class. It was a few rapid messages from Kageyama ordering me to call him and what not. Asap.

"Hey dad I gotta go really quick hold on." I muttered both of us telling one another goodbye I then pressed Kaegyama's number right away. He wasted not a single second to answer.

"Hell-" I was cut off right away I almost moved my phone away from my ears.

"Calum?! Where the fuck are you!" I winced sitting on my bed with a grumble.

"I'm in my dorm room why? Is everything okay?" I questioned my worry starting to act up.

"Just listen to me closely alright? Hinata hasn't been ignoring you or anything he got his phone taken away by his mom. And the matches have been crazy. Whatever you do, don't go go the stupid party with your roommate Haru understand!" He was so frantic like I weakly pressed my palm on my forehead.

"There's a party? I didn't even know Kageyama I didn't even plan on going I'm always so exhausted I'm not mad. worried though how do you know about Haru?" I asked him curious like.

"Hinata had asked me to come see you, gave me all this information Calum please don't go with Haru or even trust him I'm begging you." His phone kept cutting in and out his phone roughly cutting off.

"Kageyama-" I sighed heavy like tossing my phone to the side. Not even peeking when the door to the dorm room opened roughly.

"Calum! Come on up up, you've been sleeping long enough." I stared at Haru in confusion but he seemed really happy and bubbly holding a red cup in his grip.

"Oh it's you Haru what's up?" I questioned watching him plop down next to me on the bed.

"The best party so far this year, come on." He handed me the cup which I took for a moment to at least get a whiff of the alcohol.

"Oh? Well I don't know if I'm gonna go." I sighed standing up drinking the liquid tossing the cup away.

"I just really need to see Shoyo so I'm going to go see him." I turned away from him. I slipping on my shoes grabbing my car keys off the desk ruffling my hair up quickly a few times.

"I- Calum please for me?" I whipped around in confusion to see he looked like he was gonna cry confusing me.

"Haru... What's the matter with you? What's gotten into you." I shook my head a couple times holding my temple a few more times taking a breath in.

"I just... Want us both to spend more time together so we can get close.... I know you are stressed and I just wanna help take it away." I leaned against the desk watching him get up handing me over some pills to which I stared at them oddly staring at them in my palm.

"What's this?" I questioned to him seeing him smile up at me. I recognized the texture of it right away. My breath hitching as I stated at Haru.

"I- I can't.... I've been clean for a while now no. " I firmly said about to hand them back to him but he grabbed my hand his eyes pleading.

"For me.." I couldn't even hide the wince of the flashback I got to Hinata... With a heavy sigh rolling them between my palms, I popped the two little white tablets into my mouth dry swallowing them moving away from Haru.

"I'm only staying an hour." Was all I said to him, moving around him slipping on my jacket. I could hear Haru following behind me.

Upon arrival I had had quite a few drinks even with my status of a freshmen in college. I was about five cups in, resting outside near the large chlorine scented pool a few people chilling out in it, or around it. I stared at my phone with a weak like smile of my lock screen of me and Hinata.

Gosh... I really broke my clean streak for a night of drinking and all. But fuck it just let my mind be in a hazy cloud. I took a deep breath in looking to the side sighing wondering how the hell Haru found me, I had been avoiding him for hours since I had been here.

"Hey Haru." I muttered hearing his drunk like giggles.

"You enjoying yourself? You look less tense." I felt his palms rubbing across my shoulders a few times.

"Of course after popping some pills and drinking." I muttered sighing dipping my head back.

"You just need to relax." He was so perky and even so all I could think about was how frantic Kageyama was. And just like that I felt Haru grabbed my face and roughly pulled me towards him pressing his lips onto my own. What was my reaction. I pushed him off me instantly, staring at him with anger.

"Haru! what the actual fuck is wrong with you." I exclaimed at him seeing him look at me a small smirk growing on his face for a moment his thumb rubbing over his lip.

"Calum..." I perked up instantly whipping around in shock it was like all the loud laughter around me faded as I saw both Kaegyama and Hinata though the sight of Hinata was one I swore I would never see again. Tears brimming his eyes.

"Shoyo. .. It's not what it looks like I swear." I stood up quickly.

"You asshole!" He shouted at me I watched him whipped around storming away quickly.

"Shoyo!" I groaned holding my temple.

"Haru! I told you I was gonna beat your stupid ass!" Kageyama growled out stepping towards him fast. Haru jumped up quickly before Kageyama could lunge forward.

"Calum came onto me himself!" Kageyama scowled fully.

"You drugged Calum on purpose and got him drunk to cheat. I saw you yank him towards you. Haru did it on purpose Calum to get you to cheat on Hinata." I whipped around to stare at Haru in disbelief exhaling a small scoff leaving me in shock.

"Fucking asshole." I scoffed out feeling Kageyama grab at my arm urging me with him quickly.

"Come on... Yet again we gotta fix another problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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