Chapter Nine

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*A bit of drug use, and light smut

Calum's Pov
I stared at my phone a little in confusion briefly rubbing at my hair for a minute to focus on the message on my screen that had came in from Shoyo out of nowhere. I was roaming the halls after school. Since it was my duty with cleaning up the classrooms and what not. And I sort of had been ditching it for a while till Sugawara reminded me about it.

My Love💘
Hey can you come pick me up from practice? I have a headache and need some pain meds and the team yelling isn't fucking helping.

I tapped my fingers across the screen a little, I have plenty of pain meds and stuff in my backpacks, I know how bad headaches where. I got them from arguing with my mom when ever we argued.

I sent him a quick message back, tossing my backpack over my shoulder making my way to the volleyball gym, it usually took a while since it was half way across the school but I made it without hesitation.

I poked my head inside seeing Shoyo was rubbing at his temple deeply ignoring Kageyama who was yelling at him, even ignoring Tsukishima. I frowned.

"No wonder he seemed so stressed out." I whispered quietly.

"Baby!" I shouted he was quick to move around Kageyama flashing me a soft tired smile.

"Hi babe." He muttered throwing his arms around me he cuddled my chest while I ran my hands through his dyed hair looking around to focus on his team a bit.

"Yeah I'm taking him home, you are over working him." I commented watching Sugawara carefully make his way over between me and Hinata.

"It doesn't concern you-" I cut Kageyama off.

"It does when you are giving him headaches, I'm not having this argument with you Kageyama, you are stressing him out more then he needs." Kageyama glared a little growling at me taking a step towards me.

"Listen here you asshole!"

"Kageyama! Stop, fighting with him isn't gonna help!" Sugawara yelped out quickly pushing the first year away.

"Listen here boy." I just stared at Tanaka who was glaring at me.

"Please don't fight with them... Don't fight I already talked to coach he said I could leave. " Hinata shot Kageyama a small glare who returned it.

"Keep your boyfriend on a leash Hinata cause next time, I'll have him on his ass." I scoffed a little bit chuckled.

"I'd like to see you try hot head, why do you think I keep getting suspended? Cause I win all my fights I hated to see your pretty face in the hospital." I tossed my arms around Shoyo's arms leading him out while his arms wrapped my waist walking with me.

"I swear they are trouble in paradise I feel it."

"Oh I wish he try something! He has such a punchable face that little bastard!"

"He's older then you Tanaka... "

Not much was said between me and Hinata but we made it to the bus station, we both sat on the bench while I dug through my bag for the pain medication.

"Give me a minute baby. I have so much shit." I muttered looking through it, I grabbed two pills that I was positive was the pain medication. I handed them to Shoyo who popped them in his mouth drinking from my water bottle.

By the time I noticed my mouth fell open and I quickly grabbed his mouth. "Wait Shoyo! Fuck." He looked at me startled for a minute.

"What babe?" He muttered confused.

"Shit they look the same! He's dumb ass gave me white ones and the look like the pain medication baby I'm so sorry." I apologized so fast realizing way too late.

"I gave you ecstasy they look the same... Shit I'm a bad boyfriend." I started freaking out. It literally takes 30-45 minutes and the drug is a party drug it last for 3-6 hours, and he took two which wasn't a fatal dose.

"Babe you need to calm down!" Hinata yelped grabbing my face making me press my forehead on his.

"The party drug?" He questioned quietly. I slowly nodded my head. Hinata looked slightly almost excited.

"Take one." He muttered gazing at me a bit.

"One try can't hurt." He muttered pressing a quick kiss to my lips. I stared at him in shock.

"Hinata I'm ruining your life." I muttered but he shushed me with another kiss.

"No... You make me feel alive and are letting me try different things, one time can't hurt."

I tried everything to get Shoyo sober as quick as I could water, making him chill out in my living room watching movies just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid while on his high.

After taking it so many times I never acted to stupid, but I did see things. "Babe it's so hot." Hinata whined walking out from the bathroom, tugging his hoodie off his body walking over to me while I was staring at the wall in a daze.

Holy shit there's a crow flying around the god damn room. It has a human face. Why the hell does it look like Shoyo when he had his orange hair? It was staring at me from the tv.

"Here come here baby." I spoke looking away, he plopped right down in my lap tugging on my own shirt so we were bare and shirtless cuddling on the couch.

"Where's your mom?" He muttered his head tucked in on my neck a little I felt his hand slowly running up and down my chest. I felt my black hair clinging to my forehead a bit while I took breaths in.

"I have no idea, she's safe though. She sends me messages when she's out for days." I felt his breath grow quite a bit intense before he was lifting his head to gaze his blue eyes at me.

I lifted my head up as well before I gripped the back of his head kissing him quite deeply, but unlike many of the innocent and just soft kisses we've shared before this one was filled more with need and want.

I tugged on the back of his head gently getting a soft moan in response, both our tongue were slowly wrapped around one another.

Hinata's hand slowly slipping into my sweats rubbing at me quite deeply making me hiss a little at the sudden tent that grew in my sweats, feeling his as well.

"I did that." Shoyo giggled quietly slowly biting at his lip he shifted on me some more making me hiss out again grabbing at his hips. I leaned in starting to kiss and nibble on his exposed sweaty neck getting a loud pleased moan moan him, while he allowed me to suck on his neck leaving.

"Calum... I want you to take my virginity." He whispered quietly his free hand gripping at my hair small little pleased hisse leaving him the more I sucked on his neck, petting and stroking at my hair.

I paused my actions for a moment to focus on Shoyo."Really...?" I whispered watching him cup my face, I saw his eyes were dilated a bit but his eyes held seriousness as well. He pressed his lips onto my own yet again quite deeply tugging my sweats down slowly.

"I trust you with my life... So I trust you with this. I know you won't hurt me." He smiled between the kiss helping me take his shorts off his body both of us now bare with one another.

"I should get some condoms and lube... I'm clean but I always use condoms." I whispered but Hinata shushed me with a kiss.

"I want all of you like this... It's okay." Hinata for a moment broke away to suck on his fingers before he pressed them into his self a little.

He hissed quietly but I watched hazy like while he moved his fingers in and out of himself with ease before he grabbed my length also wetting it a bit he then pushed just the tip inside of him. Having me gasping out loud at this sudden feeling going through me.

He sank down in one go these cute little innocent whimpers leaving him, he lean in to kiss me again quite deeply whimpering on my lips softly I shut my eyes keeping my forehead listening to our heavy breathing.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you more then you could ever love me..."

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