Chapter Thirteen

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Hinata's Pov
"You promised to buy meat buns this time Tanaka!"

"When in the hell did I promise that! It should be the upperclassmens job to buy his lower clsssmen the goods alright that's how it's always been."

I cracked a faint smile snuggling up into my sweater a bit taking a breath I looked up at the sky a bit taking in the cool Autumn breeze.

It should be just a normal afternoon after practice, with no fights as long as we all can everything alright. The breeze blew t through my hair effortless, while it stayed its black color.

"Get the hell away from the front of my shop! Before I have you all running laps." I whipped my head back around to gaze into the store where Coach Ukai was at the counter but something told me, in his eyes he wanted me to stand behind for a minute.

"Hey you guys go on ahead, I'll catch up later." I called to everyone. Yamaguchi turned around to stare at me quite fast.

"You sure Hinata?" He asked me a little worried. I gave him a deep head nod.

"Yeah, I'll catch up promise." I smiled a little watching everyone go on ahead of me. I pushed open the shop doors stepping inside watching him nod his head.

"Alright let's have a talk, I'm not benching you, but I do wanna know what's going on in the little angsty brain of yours, now keep this in mind. I'm not young like I use to be, but I know enough." I chuckled quietly taking a breather before I leaned against the counter top a little.

"Coach.. Have you ever wanted to be more then something, but it seems like you are stuck?" I questioned quietly. He shot me a confused look but then nodded.

"Yeah I have actually, why do you think I became your guys coach? I wanted to better myself and become more, so tell me kid and trust me, what's wrong?" I shifted my eyes down.

"My boyfriend is all I have, but then at the same time he has opened me open to a world that I can understand, the world isn't a good place, his home life is terrible yet he still smiles." I smiled a little.

"The team doesn't like him, but..  it's never changed my thought, no one believes in him the teachers, his mom." I slowly trailed off quietly a little sighing seeing coach was listening to me deeply.

"And in a way I think I change myself a little so he would like me. But then again, I want to help him get better I'm scared.." I paused the lump growing in my throat.

"That I can't do enough what if.. He kills himself." I whimpered the that thought hurting.

"When a person is in that kind of slump you have to be there, just give your all, he doesn't need you to be over the top, or for you to catch him at ever moment but to be his hero at his low times. Hinata that's what you don't see, you don't care what the people say about him because you still love him and believe in him, and that's what's most important."

He gently smacked his hands on the counter smiling at me.

"Kid high school relationships are the worst alright? And because Calum is a third year that's even worse, what are you gonna do when he graduates. You can't depend on him for everything." I slowly blinked away tears wiping my eyes with my sleeves slowly.

"I know I can't.. It's just I hope for forever, when it's not granted." I smiled sadly.

"Then dream in your forever Hinata for what it is now, Remember that even if you're not in the ocean,your ocean is still with you, take pleasure in drowning in the forever you had together. "

His words bounced and echoed around in my head when I walked home entering I slipped my shoes off a bit at the door looking wondering if Calum got here. Peeking into the living room I saw him helping Natsu with her homework while she sat in her lap.

"Calum.." He glanced down at her gently.

"What's up sweet pea?" He questioned at a bit while she stared up at him.

"Do you think, you and Onii-Chan will get married one day?" She questioned to him softly, I kept my presence quiet for a minute wondering what he was gonna say.

"Well I sure hope he wants me for that long, forever isn't granted, so I hope I can one day." Calum grinned at her poking her cheeks a little.

My heart grew soft and I hid my smile behind my sleeves a little.

"Now we should make sure there are snacks yeah let's go." She grinned standing up dragging him to the kitchen.

"I want forever too... I do you're all I want, so much it's hurting...." I whispered.

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