Chapter Six

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Calum's Pov
Carefully my hand held Hinata's own hand tightly while the both of us slip past the gym area. I grinned a little the same rush of how it always felt when I ditched, with a small head nod and with Hinata flashing me a grin.

We ran straight past the gym heading out the gates of the school down the sidewalk for yet another free day away from all the stress of the world.

"So Shoyo what do you wanna do today got anything in mind?" I asked him seeing him looking to be in the deepest thought.

"Well I wanted to try smoking again... But Calum I know you do... You know drugs so I wanna try that." I stared at Hinata surprised for a minute before I thought hell maybe it won't hurt.

"Alright we can go to my place, my mom's gone for the weekend." I offered seeing Hinata grin again.He then laced his hand with mine, the two of us making our way to the train station since I lived sort of far fro! Karasuno.

Of course there was a little fear in my mind, but maybe the drug I showed him wouldn't really have too much of an effect on him.

But I was curious to wonder what kind of high Hinata would have.  Was he paranoid? Or was he the giggly type maybe he was a person who had bad munchies, or maybe he was the type to pass out sleep.

After about a thirty minute trip on the train, I arrived at my house. It mainly was kept clean because I was always cleaning it.  I brought Hinata up to my room, tossing my backpack on the floor a little slipping my shoes off.

"Make yourself at home." I called looking around my room for a minute. Yeah I would say I was pretty organized.

Hinata was looking around with big round eyes. I went over to my drawer digging around in the bottom drawer before I pulled out a little baggy, some edibles I had bought, and some roll up paper sitting on my bed Hinata did the same watching me closely, leaning back on his hands slowly.

"Alright I'm not letting you try anything heavy Hinata I know how much you enjoy Volleyball, I also need you to trust me in case you act paranoid."

I chuckled watching Hinata just chuckle at me squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. "I trust you. " He beamed at me. I smiled before I handed him a edible which he took.

"A brownie?" He questioned.

"Start with an edible, they get you high quicker." His lips formed a small o before he nodded unwrapping it, while I rolled out a few blunts and what not.

I lit one up watching Hinata eat the brownie in small bites.  I inhaled the smoke holding it in my mouth for a quick minute letting it travel through, before I blew out a thing of smoke watching Hinata scrunch his face up cutely.

"It smells strange.. But it's not bad." He chuckled slowly falling back on his back. I chuckled before handing it over to Hinata who took it doing exactly what I did looking up at the ceiling. 

He blew out a big cloud watching it fill up the entire room a bit,  grinning but coughed quietly after a while.

"Cute baby lungs. " I snickered getting a small smack in my back roughly.

"Oh shut up." Hinata giggled out.

Back and forth me and him went between smoking, and before I knew it me and him were very much high. "Calum my freaking eyes are red! My mom is gonna kill me."

I snorted out loud laughter stumbling off my bed when I watched the orange haired boy bolt off my bed, to look at the mirror on my wall.

"Hinata you are acting paranoid, your eyes are fine come here." I laughed quietly making him spin around I cupped his face still laughing quietly.

I stared into his pretty blue eyes finding myself smiling rubbing thumbs over his cheeks. He stared back at me fully and leaned into my touch.

"Do you have the munchies?" I mumbled hearing Hinata release a small snort shaking with laughter. He was such a giggly high smoker.

"Cheesy Cheetos sound really good." He muttered.  "So do Doritos and Hot Cheetos." I muttered the both of us laughing together. Hinata then leaned up pulling me towards him.

I was just a little startled when he pressed his lips onto mine, but slowly I held his hips gently against my own kissing him slowly. It was a little messy at first, and Hinata was still giggling which was making me laughing for no reason.

I pressed Hinata up on the dresser feeling him smiling on my lips resulting in me smiling again. Hinata phone vibrates a few times on my bed but he just shook his head moving his hands to mess with my hair deeply.

"Just ignore it... You are a really good kisser." He mumbled on my lips making me chuckle shyly.

"Why thank you cutie." I snorted on his lips feeling him grin on my lips even more.

"Calum... I think I'm in love with you." I found my forehead pressing deeply on Hinata's before I mumbled back.

"I think I'm in love with you too Shoyo."

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