Chapter Twenty Two

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Calum's Pov
"Oh wow so this is what college looks like... It's huge!" Shoyo was exclaiming before even I could open my mouth and do the very same. I was just speechless and it showed all over my features.

  "Try not to get too lost son." My eyes grew huge in size I almost dropped one of the very heavy boxes in my grip to stare at what now basically was my new home of new people and experiences I was gonna be having. Made me nervous actually, cause this wasn't high school which should be a blessing but I don't even know where to start.

"It's huge... I'm gonna so get lost watch." I whined a little a small grumble left my lips when my dad ruffled up my hair deeply messing up the curls in the process. "You'll do fine, it's the start to your new beginning think of it like that." He flashed a grin my way, all the while my face twisted up into deep confusion.

"That doesn't help me at all." I exclaimed I wanted to pout but watching Hinata being excited kinda just placed me in a bit of ease. He could make any situation be a happy kind. "Babe don't think of the bad! Just think of it as a step till we can get an apartment."

Once more a smile made its way across my face watching his wild orange haired self follow my dad up carrying boxes to my new room. Yeah.... Let's think of it on like a happy mind that I am 18 and that the next step of my life is happening.

It took quite a few trips up and down but I had everything set up on the empty side of the semi large room. I now was gonna experience having a roommate which was either gonna be really awesome or really bad so the movies say.

"Your mom sent me a message, said to have a good first week and that she is proud of you." I glanced up from where me and Hinata were laying on the floor looking at everything we managed to decorate. Hinata moved his head away from my chest.

"Tell I said thanks." I called over to him when he waved me off with a smile, I didn't wanna be rude since she had been trying her best to be better since going to rehab.

"I'll be in the car Hinata take the time to say goodbye." My dad told him making him whine but he smiled happily.

"Alright sir! Be down soon." Hinata sat up a little with a grunt now just the two of us in the room. "Babe It didn't really hit me until now but... I'm gonna miss you walking me to class, and walking home spending time at home, it's really gonna be different isn't it."

My hand reached out to grab Shoyo's hand to look at the ring just setting in place, gleaming in the light as well. It was a beautiful sight to see actually and made my heart flutter like mad.

"I know it's gonna be a whole new shift that we gotta get use to baby, but I promise nothing is gonna change,  I'll still drive you to school, and hang out when I don't have class I promise, it won't take too long for you to be in college with me too, just two years till you do it's not like I'm gonna be gone forever my special baby." A small chuckle left me noticing the large blush spread all over his cheeks.

"Why do you call me that! You know it makes me shy." Another laugh slipped out of my mouth before I brought Hinata close making him squeal out but I shut him up with very fast but passionate kiss which he returned, little soft giggles slipping past his lips as he cupped my right cheek his engagement pressed slightly on my skin.

He spoke through his soft giggles. "I love you okay, I'm gonna miss you but I'm just a phone call away, if you get overwhelmed or start having bad thoughts call or text me you know I'll answer." I chuckled quietly also.

"Alright baby you can do the same, you know I'll answer if I start having the thoughts again." Both of us parted from the very long kiss just for me to finally notice someone had entered the room.

"Well it's about time I was expecting my roommate to show up." I studied the male who entered, the light ash blonde hair covered by a beanie, he was slightly taller than Hinata by one inch.

  "Hey." I greeted him quietly helping Shoyo up off the floor with a grunt we both stood up.

"I would have helped you set up but looks like you beat me to it, You're Calum correct?" His smooth like voice questioned to me a smile making its way over his face.

"That is correct and you?" I asked politely when he held his hand out for me with a soft grin which I shook.

"You can just call me Haru, you don't have to call me by last name. I'm Japanese American and have lived in America most my life so recently just came back so we can speak English around each other. I don't wanna you know assume. " He laughed softly at me our eyes meeting.

"No no! I get that a lot I'm Japanese and African American." I chuckled heading Haru's light laughter as he stared at me. "I think we will be great friends Calum." The grin stay across my face.

"Likewise Haru." I then jumped a little when Shoyo was clearing his throat roughly.

"I'm still here you know, I'm Shoyo Hinata, I'm Calum's fiance." He exclaimed staring at Haru a bit who smiled at Hinata.I

"Huh? You are cute and short-I thought you were a middle schooler." Haru giggled but smiled at Hinata, who just seemed offended since everyone always thinks that when they see him.

"Excuse you I'm a first year about to be second year, I know a lot of things including riding a certain-" I was so quick to slam my hand over Shoyo's mouth because I knew what he was gonna say he developed a no filter at all. I started laughing nervously.

"Shoyo baby! Not the time or place to say things like that." I shook with small laughter while his blue eyes looked up at me his speech muffled as he giggled at me his eyes shutting as he giggled. Haru just looked intrigued his grey eyes shifting all over,his arms folded.

"What it's true, shouldn't your roommate know this?"


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