Chapter Two

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Calum's Pov
It had been a couple of weeks since I had met the short orange hair boy and he was quite interesting, the rooftop, of course, was the first of our official letting I learned he was a middle blocker for Karasuno. I learned that he adored volleyball quite and ton, and that our volleyball team was pretty impressive. I was actually shocked I guess I never really know that much that is going on at our school.

Hinata was hyperactive when he wasn't sad but we bonded over his sadness which was strange. But he mainly felt like people didn't take him seriously and that he was misunderstood. Which I could totally understand.

I felt like an outcast as an outcast, so me being his senior. I hung out with him, gave him words of encouragement but I didn't wanna him getting caught in my very messed up home life.

I chewed at the end of the pocky stick a few times turning my head left and right, wondering where the hell he was. I nibbled at the chocolate covered biscuit stick besides I spun around my expression relaxing when I saw his eyes shining at me while he was smiling brightly looking out of breath but he flashed me a grin.

"Hey, Calum! Sorry, I'm a little late I've never ditched before." He told me lowering his voice staring at me with shock eyes. I flashed him a grin and grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry it's like normal hanging out, expect you are a rebel now come on." I urged him with a chuckle seeing him hold my hand back tightly before he looked back towards the entrance.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh well!"

"Hinata shush!"

"I'm sorry I'll be as quiet as a mouse."

"Alright stay here for me yeah?" I stared Hinata straight in the eyes while he drank from the Slurpee we had gotten. After a while, I realized that we had gone out too far and that there was no real reason to head back to school cause we missed half our lessons and shocking Hinata didn't mind.

We went to different stores buying snacks and little things. Laughing and goofing off a bit. Till I had to buy a few things from my drug dealer, it wasn't hard heavy drugs just some weed since it wasn't exactly legal here, If I ever got caught I would be in some major big trouble, sometimes it was popping pills it just depended on what I could get my hands on, and who would sell it to me.

"Why can't I go with you!" Hinata grumbled shifting how he sat. A huge pout on his cheeks while he sipped from the straw.

"Because little cutie it will only take like a few minutes then I'll walk you home." I offered to him, he looked to be in great thought before he was nodding his head agreeing. I smiled ruffling up his hair I quickly slipped back towards the little shop where Yury was standing looking bored.

I met him halfway watching him flash me a grin keeping his hands stuffed inside his hoodie. "Well, well look who finally decides to visit me, who's the cutie waiting for you?" I clicked my tongue nibbling at my lower lip.

"He's a new friend, no you can't sell drugs to him, he's different I don't want him getting involved in this kind of stuff," I spoke digging in my school uniform pants for my money.

"Ahh he's the innocent kind isn't he? He is cute." I rolled my eyes amused and handed over the money to Yury who took it with a smile, handing me a bottle full of pills followed by a rolled-up baggy with my favorite stuff on the earth.

"Thank you," I told him taking them both I hid them in my backpack quite quickly, shaking out my hair from my eyes and almost jumped when I looked over to see Hinata wasn't sitting in his spot anymore but was now right next to me.

"Calum! I totally forgot that I had practice today it's because I wasn't hanging out with Kageyama today at lunch." Hinata looked very panicked and Yury was watching both us clearly amused.

"Alright alright don't panic shortie I'll get you back to the school alright." Hinata didn't even waste any time but grabbed my hand.

"Hi." He exclaimed at Yury making him laugh before he was lifting his hand waving at us slowly.  "I swear the next time I see you both you'll be dating." I shot him a glare even though we were out of his earshot, Hinata and me ended up running all the way back and since I didn't wanna leave him alone I walked him all the way near the volleyball practice gym.

"Phew thank you Calum, I had a lot of fun today can we maybe do it again?" He asked hopefully staring up at me. I flashed him a grin nodding my head.

"Sure anytime you like, I'm glad you enjoying ditching." I teased to him, catching him before he fell when he threw me in a hug. I was of course startled but chuckled hugging him back tightly.

  "Do your best Hinata and remember your best you, is always what you can show," I told him setting him back down, I was only two inches taller than him. He nodded his head at me quickly grabbing his bag waving to me, I watched him the smile never leaving my face.

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