Chapter Three

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Calum's Pov
"Has anyone notice Hinata is always like fifteen minutes late to practice these days?"
I had frozen a little in place in the hallway to perk up a little when I heard a name I was quite familiar with. I halted gripping my backpack closer peeking over the wall to hear these two third years talking very hushed among one another but they weren't doing too good of a job.

I took a sip from a juice box I had gotten from the vending machine. I know him, I have a class with him that's Sugawara, and that Daichi.

One is the captain and Sugawara is one of the few setters, I'm sure our school had like two."He said he's just been caught up, you don't believe him Daichi?" I watched him shake his head deeply with a frown. 

"I get it if it was once but it's every day for a few months, I don't know Suga I just think maybe he is hanging out with someone he shouldn't, or maybe him and Kageyama have been fighting a lot. I just know he doesn't even try to start them anymore, maybe I should just keep a close eye on him."

I pushed myself off the wall. "I don't see any changes, he still seems energetic and loud with me and talking about Volleyball."

I muttered to myself more poking at my cheeks a few times wondering if maybe my mind was going blank again.

I could hear the loud bounce and squeak of the volleyball on the floor deeply, the shoes, and I could smell the sweat. You could tell they work hard. I had unbuttoned the top part of my school uniform, exposing the white top with those buttons untied and the jacket slung over my shoulders.

I saw Hinata helping put all the balls away before he then wiped the sweat off his forehead, before he was smiling at me waving before he rushed over to an older blonde hair male and another one.

"Couch! Can I go home a little early tonight, I have to help my mom with stuff." I slightly couldn't help but chuckle.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have taught him how to lie and use them easily. That was on my bad.

"Huh sure knock yourself out." The male muttered waving his hand. Hinata was then rushing over to me making me grin tossing my arm over his shoulder watching this small blush coat his red cheeks.

"Hey, cutie." I greeted him watching Hinata scowl at me deeply pushing me lightly.

"Stop calling me that I'm not cute, wait outside for me to go get my bag from the club room idiot." I chuckled but took a look inside the gym to see a few surprised faces.

I even saw Sugawara's face darkened quite quickly while the hyperactive cutie was dragging me away. I gave a small hand wave towards him being dragged away fast.

Sugawara's Pov
I felt my grip on the volleyball I held was so tight I was afraid I was gonna pop it. I was in shock and I was even more worried then I was earlier.

Fuck this was just gonna be the start too. I whipped my head around to watch Tanaka and Nishinoya rush over towards me.

"Yo Suga do you know that boy?" Tanaka questioned to me tilting his head at me. I heaved out a sigh before nodding my head.

"I have a class with him, his name is Calum and... He's a little troubled, we are seatmates actually, Calum is like the definition of a delinquent." I explained watching Nishinoya look at me in confusion placing his hands behind his head.

"How bad?" He shot out chuckling. I tossed a few balls over to Kiyoko who managed to catch them with ease.

"Way worse then what you did smoking, drinking, ditching, suspended, and even getting into fights he just got off a suspension for fighting." I nibbled at my lower lip.

"Hinata is totally allowed to hang out with whoever he seems fit, but Calum just has a hard home life, I heard the teachers talking about it.  Calum actually gets bullied because he's mixed he is half black and half Japanese so he is targeted a lot." I realized I started rambling but Kageyama had joined with a deep frown on his face.

"Do you think Hinata likes him or something?" Kageyama questioned out roughly folding his arms. I sighed yet again and turned to look towards the door once again the sun setting roughly.

"I don't know Kageyama but I have a bad feeling it's like pooling in my stomach, Hinata is naive but I know he wouldn't do stupid enough to change for someone right...?" I asked more myself.

I snapped my eyes over to Tsukishima who scoffed pushing his glasses on his eyes a little better.

"Hinata may be stupid, and sometimes a fat ass, but Hinata barely talks to girls I doubt he even is gay or has felt like that you guys are worrying over nothing, are we really gonna judge a person we haven't even talked to based on his habits?"

We all shared a small look with one another. "I am- ow." Kageyama shot a small glare at Yamaguchi who also shot him a small look.

"Let's just let Hinata do his thing guys, if it gets out of hand will talk to him that simple, now let's finish cleaning up so we can call it a day," Daichi told us all with a stern little tone nodding his head at us each. My thoughts were still lingering quite a lot.

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