Chapter Eighteen

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Hinata's Pov
"Sugawara I appreciate you I do but you gotta stop it." I let a small chuckle out wiping the free sweat off my forehead looking Sugawara who was pouting at me deeply a bit pinching at my cheeks.

"Come on Hinata... Like none of the guys I've introduce you to. You click with?" I stared at him quite focused heaving a rough sigh out messing with my hair. My hair looked like Kenma's right now.

My orange roots were coming out pushing out the black dye as it was faded. How was I suppose to focus on this training camp? When I had all my close friends. We had Nekoma and we had Fukurodani. Quite a few this time.

It was odd to have a mini training camp during the winter, since we haven't had our first snow fall yet. But it could take my mind off the pain.

"They all seem like really great guys... It's just it's a little too soon no one can replace Calum like that, what we had was really special." I trail off a bit chewing at my lower lip.

I felt the cloud come back and I sighed quite heavy seeing him smiling at me softly.

"That's the correct answer Hinata, I just thought you were the type who needed others to recover, you are very strong, I'm so proud of you." I whined feeling him pinching at my cheeks much rougher making me laugh trying to push him away.

"So I take it your little shortie was going through one of those stages?" Once I had freed myself from his grip. I passed by Kuroo and Daichi.

"Yeah... You could say that, him and Kageyama are not on speaking terms right now and I think that's best for everyone right now." Daichi laughed nervously.

I messed around with the number Jersey a bit wondering when it was gonna be time for a quick.

"Shoyo!" I jumped a little confused but I saw Kenma was waving me over. I turned my direction back over towards him jogging over there to him.

"What's up Kenma?" I flashed him a smile placing my hand on my hip. He was drinking from his water bottle but tossed me my phone.

"Your phone keeps going off, might be important." With that he was grumbling out a bit walking around me. Hmmm odd. I flipped open my phone watching it shake again in my palm. I answered it right away.

"Hello?" I answered a little unsure.

"Hinata? hello umm yeah you must be Hinata you are.. On speed dial." I fluttered my eyes in confusion.

"Yeah that's me, but who is this ma'am?" I muttered rubbing at my head in confusion.

"I'm... I'm Calum's mom... Look I know you two are like going through stuff, but I feel like it's right for you to know." My heart started pounding so much and the uneasy feeling grew in my stomach.

"God it's my fault... I must have pushed him over the edge I'm a bad mother I know I am... He overdosed a few hours ago... He said he was in pain I was just trying to help! They've been pumping his stomach sweetie. And his heart stopped a few times. His body is in so much shock he overdosed." I felt the world came crashing down so fast.

My eyes grew wide and before I could react I dropped my phone so fast letting a loud scream out before I could stop it I clamped my hand over my mouth screaming again.

"Oh God no!"

I dropped everything so fast just to have one of the third years drive me back home away from Tokyo when he needed me the most I was away. Oh God Calum you better not die  on me. You just can't die on me.

I rushed straight into the  hospital quick whipping my head around I quickly rushed to the nurse station.

"I need to see a patient umm fuck fuck." I grumbled my hands shaking. I told her Calum's full name.

"He's in a critical state right now, only visitors are family, or anyone close." I shut my eyes frustrated.

"Listen he is my boyfriend." I snapped out giving her a deep glare. It took her a minute before she gave me his room number, I took off sprinting so fast pressing on the elevators buttons fast. I felt my tears started up again but I've done enough crying now. I needed to be strong.

As soon as the elevators stopped I rushed out again whipping my head around fast, I ran down the hallway peeking inside the room area. My heart stopped right there seeing a male and woman were standing around his hospital bed talking quite sternly with one another.

I could see all these devices were hooked up to him and even though I wanted to be strong I started breaking down.

"Oh my god Calum... Calum babe what did you do to yourself." I sobbed out  watching the male turn his attention to me, he then quickly rushed over to me even through I quickly sprinted around him dropping down to rest my head on the bed sobbing out.

"Calum! Babe I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed me I'm sorry! You can't leave me like this you can't leave me alone please you can fight it for me please I don't care about what happened please." I whimpered out feeling arms wrap around me.

"Come here.... You must be  Shoyo Hinata aren't you?" My body slowly stop shaking but I sniffle staring at the male who was crouched in front of me.

"Yeah that's me." I whispered intaking roughly.

"I'm Calum's dad... And he talked about you all the time, all the time when he stayed with me." My lip were still trembling while I listened to him closely.

"He said you were extremely smart, he said you were energetic and that no matter what people love you, when you smile and laugh, when you said random things." I started smiling a little laughing quietly wiping at my eyes and face with my sleeves.

"No way he said that..." I asked through my tears but light chuckles.

"Oh yeah, the amounts of times he has told me about you brightening his day was enough for me to know this Hinata." I stared at him a bit.

"You are sunshine, you are his sunshine and he wouldn't wanna see you crying and sobbing when seeing you happy is what kept him going, I promise you this. He is gonna be okay alright? Calum is extremely strong he is my son, he has been going on this strong and when he makes it through all this, he is coming to live with me, so his mom over here can get clean."

Still sniffling deeply I focused on the browned skin woman who gazed at me. She looked like a wreck wiping at her eyes and all.

"He is... But doesn't that mean I won't get to see him as much." I whispered.

"He won't be out too far, I promise you that okay, he's gonna be okay the doctor they've got most of the pills, he just needs rest alright." I smiled a little sadly turning my head back to stare at Calum.

"I wasn't here when he needed me the most... that's what is breaking me the most. And that was my mistake for letting others break us apart, I love him so much." I whispered sadly going back over to his bed, I grabbed his limp hand I held it gently. I stared at his sleeping face.

He looked like an angel my angel. They had him on a breathing mask yet I still saw the beauty. It was almost like a flash behind my mind, flashing back to when I met him on that rooftop. Seeing those eyes of his. It all just came back to me.

"Uhh well I was suspended for two months but I've been here for a while I'm a third-year class four Calum Yoshino,"

"So you are my senpai then? I'm Hinata Shoyo I'm a first-year!"

I smiled even more the tears streaming down my face again.

"I'm sorry... You need to forgive me too.  We will learn to live again even with these broken wings babe...."

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