
1.8K 42 11

*Second Person's P.O.V*

Pietro waited outside for Loki and you. You could feel Pietro's feelings towards Loki. Nothing but hatred for the man. And you knew why.

He was the reason why he and his sister were hunted down by S.H.E.I.L.D.

You and Loki walked out and down the stairs. Pietro followed you.

"Do you have a car, Pietro?" You asked him. He nods. He pushed past Loki and Loki glared at him.

"I think someone is trying to get killed by a god," Loki mumbles.

"Calm down Loki," You tell him. "He means nothing by it." Loki looks at you but knew it was something else. They get to the cafe and they walked up to a blue truck. You smiled.

"What?" Loki asked me.

"Blue truck Pietro? You trying to tell me something?" you asked him.

"You said blue was your favourite colour," He says. "And this is how I remembered you." You looked at him and Loki opens the door. He gets in the back as you sat in front with Pietro.

"This is your transportation?" Loki asked looking around the back. "I was hoping you had a spaceship."

"Darling. This is how mortals get around," You say. Pietro starts it up.

"Would've been nice if he cleaned the back. It looks like Thor's room after trying to find that one outfit he wants to wear for that day." You chuckled.

"Nobody has OCD  more than you Loki," You say to him. 

"Whose Thor?" Pietro asked.

"Loki's brother and one of the avengers," You tell him. "Let's go see how much your sister still hates me." He chuckles and they left the cafe.

It didn't take long to get to Pietro's house. He parks the truck in the driveway and they both get out.

"You know what I realize," You say as you get out. "You could've just got us here by running here." Pietro laughs.

"I'm trying to be more normal," He says.

"There is no such thing as normal," Loki says as gets out of the truck. He shuts the door and the three of them walked inside. As soon as they got inside they noticed the living room on the right. Where Pietro's mom was watching TV and smoking.

"Hey, mom. I brought home some friends," Pietro says. His mom waves him off.

"Good to see nothing has changed here Pietro," You say. He looks at you.

"You know where my bedroom is," He says. Loki looks at him.

"Your what?" He asked.

"His room. It's in the basement," You say taking Loki's hand.

"I'll get my sister," Pietro says. You nodded and he left to go upstairs. You started to walk and Loki followed you.

"You know where his room is?" Loki asked. You smiled.

"For the first few months of being on Midgard, Wanda and Pietro found me. Pietro sneaked me into his room. Not wanting his mom to get mad at him for bringing a stranger home. He kept me in his room, bringing me food and drinks. We would talk a lot and then I kissed him." Loki scoffs. I opened the door to the basement. "Don't worry. It was before I could remember anything about myself. About you. You are the only one for me Loki. No one will break us apart again." You got on your tippy-toes and kissed his nose. He scrunched it up and you laughed. "Anyway, I started remembering bits and pieces of Asgard. And then one night, your face came to me in a dream and I needed to find you and get answers. I told Pietro and he wanted to help me. Wanda, his sister, would always follow her twin brother, so she came with us. We found out that Tony was the one I needed to build a spaceship to get back to Asgard." You both walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "We invaded S.H.I.E.L.D by me raising the dead and causing a small war. They won and erased my memory. Spilt up the twins and I and Bucky."

"I heard of this Bucky," He says. "Who is he?"

"A friend darling," You say.  Soon you both heard the door open.

"Did you forget the part where you broke my brother's heart by using him?" Wanda asked you. You turned your head.

"I never intended to do that Wanda. I wanted to know the truth. About why I was seeing Loki every time I fell asleep," You say. "Didn't I deserve that?" She doesn't say much. Pietro was behind her.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" Wanda asked as Pietro closes the door.

"The Avengers are after us," You say. "And we need your help in destroying them. And finding Bucky."

"Bucky Barnes?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah. He was with us when we invaded S.H.I.E.L.D," You say.

"There was someone name Bucky when I was experimenting by Hydra," Pietro says.

"Could be him," You say. "The only way to find out is breaking into Hydra and seeing if it's the person I remember." You looked at Pietro and Wanda. "I understand if you both don't want to come."

"Who says I don't?" Pietro asked.

"Just what happened with us. I mean you were young," You tell him.

"You were too," He says. Loki chuckles.

"Pietro. I'm 1,042 years old," You say. "I live longer and probably am around twenty years old in human years."

"So I dated an older woman," Pietro says. You nodded and he laughs.  "Y/N you know I'll follow you anywhere. Even if you're with Loki."

"I know," You say. "That's what I'm worried about." You could feel Loki glaring at Pietro. "Loki. Stop glaring at Pietro."

"I'm not," He says. You looked at him.

"You're a terrible liar around me Loki," You say. He smiles and you get up.

"I think we should get ready to break out Bucky," Pietro says. Loki gets up and kisses the top of your head.

"We have some beds upstairs for both of you. Mom won't mind. She doesn't really notice anything anyway," Wanda says. You both nod and follow her upstairs.


4.2K. Holy Crap. I love you all. Also, there r only a few more chapters left till the end. I think... Might be a second book. Not too sure. 

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