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Vision, Wanda, Loki, Bucky and you were in the compound. Vision laid back on the chair. Wanda, Loki and you hovered over him. Bucky was keeping an eye out.

"Will this hurt him?" Wanda asked.

"Shouldn't. If I don't rush," You say. You scanned his body with your hand to see what the Mind Stone was connected to. Soon a picture of the Mind Stone appeared in your hand. "Do you remember we had to connect each neuron non sequentially?" 

"No," Loki says.

"Well, Tony would if he's here. But he's out with the kid," You say. "I wish we would've rethought this and reprogram them to work connectivity."

"But it wasn't in your mind at the start," Bruce says. You looked over to see Bruce standing there.

"If I could foresee the future I would've known. That way we could get the Stone out easier," You say. "Vision I am going to try my best to get the stone out without hurting you. It's going to be difficult. But..."

"It might work?" Wanda asked.

"Like 75 percent chance, it might work. If not then we might have to kill him," You say. Wanda gasps. "That's the last thing I want to do. Especially to you. This might take a couple of hours Wanda. Maybe more. Why don't you go check on your brother?" She nods and leaves. Along with Bruce. I put my hand over Vision and soon he fell asleep. 

"We're going to have to kill him right?" Loki asked. "To get that stone?"

"If we can get the stone successfully out of him without ripping him apart then no. But if I can't by the time Thanos is here. He will already be dead," You say. "Whether we rip the stone out or not."

After about an hour you were still working on Vision. Bucky was still at the door and Loki was sitting down. Not long the building moved and the lights turned off and on. You were on the ground. Loki gets up and helps you up.

"What was that?" Bucky asked.

"Thanos is here with his army," You say. "Bucky. Loki. I need you two to get out of here and help the others. I'll be fine on my own."

"No. I'm not leaving you," Loki says.

"I'll be fine. I need all the focus I can to get this stone out of Vision," You say. "They need the both of you up there. And I'll be up soon to help."

"Loki. She knows what she's doing," Bucky says. 

"I thought you would be the one protecting her," Loki says.

"I am. She wants us to go up there and help them. If Thanos and the rest of them can't get downstairs then they won't hurt her," Bucky says. Loki looks at you. You walks up to him and gave him a kiss.

"I'll be fine," You say pulling away. "Just don't get yourself killed." He nods. "Oh and one last favour."

"Anything," He says.

"Bring the Frost Giants in. They will help you," You say. He nods. He takes out the tesseract and soon he and Bucky were gone in a flash.

"They're coming," You thought to Ymir. "Be ready. Because Thanos's army is here."

"We will be," He says. You nodded and went back to doing your work.

Bucky and Loki got to Joutheim. Bucky felt the temperature drop as soon as he got there.

"Yeah. I should've warned you, Joutheim is cold," Loki says. "Don't worry. We won't be here long." They both started to walk. It didn't take long to find Ymir and his army in the middle waiting for Loki and Bucky.

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