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*Second Person's P.O.V*

Wanda and Loki got down to the end of the stairs. Loki magically brings a dagger into his right hand. He tells Wanda to stop as he walks up to one of the guards who was alone. He goes behind him and grabs his head. With the dagger in his right hand, he didn't hesitate to slice the guy's neck open. Loki lets go of the guard and he falls to the ground. As soon as the guy fell to the ground, he made a huge THUMP. Which made everyone in the room head turn towards Loki.

"Hello," Loki says. The guards come after Loki, but Wanda was one step ahead of them.  She put her hand out and threw the table at the guards that were coming after Loki. Loki looks at Wanda. "I could've handled them."

"Could you?" She asked him. He smiles and soon they went after the other guards.

While Wanda and Loki were distracting the guards Pietro and you came down the stairs and made your way across the wall. You saw a man who had a pure red face. Like someone burned his skin off and the only thing left was what was underneath. Which was just flesh of his blood that stayed there.

"Whose that?" You whispered to Pietro.

"Jothann Schmidt," Pietro says.

"I'm not going to remember that. I'm going to call him Red Skull," You whispered. Pietro smiles. You looked over to see Loki and Wanda handling the guards pretty well. But it was Red Skull you had to worry about. You and Pietro were in the dark so no one could see you. You lifted up your hand and the knife next to the table started to levitate. Red Skull looks at the knife. Soon it comes to his neck as he stops what he is doing on Bucky.

"Who's doing this?" Red Skull asked. "I know it's not you or your sister Pietro." You came from the shadows with your handheld firm. Red Skull smiles. "And who might you be?" 

"I'm Y/N," You say. "Someone who you should be terrified of."

"And why do you say that?" He asked. You turned the blade and it was almost into his neck. Not quite though.

"I can be your worst nightmare," You tell him. "I'm just going to take Bucky and we will be on our way. No one has to get hurt." You looked over to see all the guards on the ground. "Except them."

"I can't let you have him," Red Skull says. "He's my favourite." You looked at him. "I mean look at him." You saw the pain in Bucky's eyes as his memory was getting wiped. You pulled the blade closer to Red Skull. Almost cutting his neck open. 

"Let go of him." Red Skull smiles.

"Or what?"

"Or we kill you," Loki says to him.

"You really are underestimating two gods here," You tell him. "One that has killed eighty people in two days." Red Skull looks at Loki and he smiles.

"I've heard of you Loki. Impressive work," He says.

"I didn't do it for your approval," Loki says.

"I'll let you live to suffer through your pathetic life. If you give me Bucky," You say. "I don't want to do this the hard way."

"And what's that?" He asked you. You smiled.

"Sweetie. You're playing with fire," You tell him. "I would be careful if I were you." You set down the knife and he smirks. "Pietro. Do me a favour."

"Anything," He says.

"Get Loki, Bucky, and Wanda out of here," You say. Red Skull looks at you and soon Pietro was off. He first took his sister and left the building. Red Skull saw what was about to go down and hit a button. Causing a loud blaring sound to go off. Not long there were around fifty-100 guards surrounding Loki and you. The guards on your side came after you. But you were quick. 

You magically had a dagger in your hand and swung it at the first guard that came after you. Stabbing him in the stomach. You heard a gun firing off which makes you duck and slide under the guy's legs. You swung your dagger slicing both of his legs. The guard let out a painful scream and fell to the ground. You grabbed his gun and fired it at ten other guards. Not missing once.

Loki was on the other side fighting off the other fifty guards that were on his side. He brought out clones to help him as he swung his sword at one of the guards. 

Not long Pietro came back and saw you and Loki were in trouble. He used his super speed to knock down the guards that were after you. Not long he went over and grabbed Loki. They were out of there. You ran over to Red Skull and put out your hand. Knocking him to the side. You walked over to Bucky who was silently screaming as his memory was getting wiped.

You broke apart the machine and Bucky was instantly knocked out. Pietro came back, grabbed Bucky. Before he left you grabbed his arm.

"Don't come back. I'll be fine," You tell him. He looks at you nods. Knowing you were going to be okay. He sped out of there with Bucky on his back.

You looked at Red Skull and soon you felt heat coming through your body. You put your hand out to see fire coming from it. You smiled.

"I told you, you shouldn't be playing with something you don't know," You say. You extended your hand and fire burned through your palm and came out. Lighting everything up.

Outside of Hydra, Loki and Wanda were waiting for Pietro to come back with you. Not long Pietro came back, but it wasn't with you. It was Bucky. Pietro lays him down and Loki looks at Pietro.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked him.

"Still in there," Pietro says.

"Go get her," Loki says.

"She told me not to."

"But why-" Before he could finish his sentence they heard a big BOOM and they all got on the ground. They all looked up to see Hydra on fire. Loki's face drops. Knowing you were still in there. "Y/N!" The pain came from his voice as he yells.

He only just got you back and now you were gone. He looks at Pietro and Pietro knew he was going to kill him.

"How could you do this!" Loki yells. "You should've gone in to get her!"

"She told me she was going to be okay!" Pietro yells back.

"And you listen to her?" Loki shouts. "She's dead because you listened to your heart and not your mind." He walks up to him. There was only pure anger in Loki's eyes. "I will kill you for what you did. Not saving her. She deserves to be here and you let her die!"

"Do you really think-" Pietro was cut off by Wanda.

"-Guys. Someone's walking out," Wanda says. Loki turns and sees what Wanda was seeing.

"How could anyone make it out of that?" Pietro asked.

"No one can," Loki says. Soon his eyes widen. "Except Y/N." He ran away from the twins and Bucky and up to the burning place. It was true.

Y/N was alive.

You had a couple of bruises on you, but nothing too serious. You weren't burnt or anything.

But your whole body felt like it was on fire.

Loki ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Y/N. My love. I thought you-" You shook your head.

"I'm fine Loki. I was the one who caused the fire," You tell him. He lets go of the hug and looks at you. Making sure you weren't hurt. "I'm fine." Soon Loki's facial expressions changed.

"Don't ever do that to me again. I thought I lost you," He says.

"Never," You say. He smiles and kisses you. You let go of the kiss and headed back up to where Pietro, Wanda and Bucky were. "We have to get out of here. If anyone is left alive... Which I don't think there is after that, they will be looking for us." They nodded. "Loki. We need the tesseract." He nods and soon the tesseract appears in his hands.

"Where are we going love?" He asked you.

"California," You tell him. He nods and soon there was a blue smoke around the group and they left Europe.

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