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This is Part 2 to the flashback/ dream Y/N is having. Enjoy. There might be like four or five parts to this. It's REALLY LONG FOR A FLASHBACK BUT IT'S IMPORTANT!


*Second Person's P.O.V*

You got dressed in your winter clothes for visiting Jotuheim. You wore a long black t-shirt with black leggings and a  sweater to go around that. You put on a scarf and brown boots. You put your hair in a bun and came out of the bathroom to see Loki looking at you with a smile.

 You put your hair in a bun and came out of the bathroom to see Loki looking at you with a smile

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"Beautiful," Loki says walking up to you. He gives you a quick kiss.

"We better get going before anyone suspects," You say. Loki nods and they both left your chambers without anyone noticing. They got outside and onto their horses. You had a white horse and Loki had a brown horse. You and Loki pulled on the reins and the two horses started to gallop next to each other. Heading into the woods. It wasn't long until they got to the waterfall.

Loki gets off his horse and ties up the horse by a tree. He walks over to you and grabs you by your waist. Lifting you down from your horse. He gives you a quick kiss before tieing up your horse to a tree as well. You and Loki started to walk until they got to the ship.

It was big. Big enough to fit a whole army in it. It was royal blue. It was from your own planet where royal blue was represented everywhere. 

"I am so shocked no one found this," You say as you opened the door.

"Well, no one knows about the waterfall," Loki says. "Only you and I." You smile and they both walked inside. They walked to the flight deck and you walked up to the controls. Loki was right next to you.

"So this one starts up the ship," You say to Loki pointing to a button. "And this one speeds it up." You pointed to a big handle. "This one is for steering." You pointed to the small handles in front of the driver's seat."Oh, this one is for firing at our enemies."  You pointed to a big red button. "Don't push that, unless you want the guards to come after us."

"Now I want to push it more." You looked at Loki. "I won't." You gave a quick kiss to Loki and started up the spaceship. 

"You are driving Loki since you know where the secret portals are at." Loki nods and sits in the driver's seat as You puts on your seatbelt. Loki did the same. He put his hands on the small handles and lifted the spaceship off the ground. They were below the Rainbow Bridge so that Heimdall wouldn't see them.

"Hold on Love. This could get bumpy." You nod your head and held onto the seat. Loki pulls on the big handle and they started to go faster and into the small hole that was the portal. It got bumpier and bumpier. If Thor were here, he would tell Loki to stop, but you were different. You loved this stuff. The excitement if you two were going to make it to the other side or not. That is why Loki loved you so much.

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