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So this first part is going to be lyrics from a song called Bury A Friend by Billie Elish. I didn't want you guys to think I was stealing dem.

 Hopefully, you like the first chapter.

Also, this book takes place in 2012. 


*Second Person's P.O.V*

You wake up in a basement. It's dark, uncomfortable, with only one light shining upon a raven long-haired man. Loki. As to what the Avengers called him.

You tried to move your hands, but they were tied around your back. Your feet were tied too. You couldn't move. You look at Loki with fear in your eyes. Terrified about what's going to happen next.

"What do you want from me?" You asked her kidnapper. Fear struck your voice, but you didn't let him see that.

"Why don't you run from me?" Loki asked her. Soon you looked into Loki's eyes and sees he was searching for something. Something you were also searching for.

"What are you wondering?" You asked him. Loki walks close to you and looks you in the eyes.

"What do you know?" He asked her. The fear you had left. Like you knew Loki from somewhere.  "Why aren't you scared of me?"

"Why do you care for me?" You asked Loki. Loki looks at your beautiful E/C. He could gaze in them all day. But he knew he had to answer her question. Before Loki could open his mouth to answer your question, there was a big bang and soon a huge green guy came through the wall.

It was Hulk. AKA Bruce.

Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor and Natasha were behind him. The green giant roars and Loki rolls his eyes.

"Not this asshole again," He mumbles. You smiled.  He turns and sees the gang ready to fight him.

"Brother let Y/N go!" Thor says.

"No!" Loki says back to his brother. 

Well, there goes your plan, Thor, you thought.

"Well, we knew he wasn't going to give up that easily," Tony says.

"I just thought he would," Thor says.

"Great plan Thor," You said to him.

"Quiet Lady Y/N," Thor says. Soon Loki walks up to his brother as the sceptre magically appears in his hands.

"Do not tell Y/N to be Quiet Thor!" Loki yells.

"Look, can I just say I'm the one that is being kidnapped here and you guys are standing around looking like idiots," You tell them.

"She's right," Steve says. Tony puts his arm forward and a blast came out of his hand knocking Loki to the other side of the room. As Bruce, Natasha, Steve, Clint and Tony distracted Loki, Thor came over and set you free.

"Finally," You say. "What took you so long? Did you have to take a shit in between?"

"LANGUAGE!" Steve yells out as he thews his shield at Loki. Thor grabs your hand and tries to help you up. But before you could even get up, something in your mind clicked.

"I love you Y/N," Thor says. You were in chains on your knees with Thor in front of you. "Please don't fall for his tricks Y/N." You realize you were in front of the Odinson family. What did you do? You have no idea.

"What tricks Thor? The trick your father pulled on me. Thinking that you and I  are supposed to be together?" Y/N gets up and the guards moved. "He lied to me, Thor! I never loved you.  My love stands with Loki. And only Loki. And nothing will pull us apart. Even if we have to kill every Asgarudian to be together."  You looked at Odin and smiles. "Which I almost did." Odin sighs.

"I'll fix this son. Go back to your chambers and I'll talk to Y/N," Odin says. Thor nods and leaves.

"Get away from me," You exclaimed, pulling your hands away from Thor. Thor looks at you as you got up on your own.

"What are you talking about Lady Y/N?" Thor asked.

He doesn't remember, you thought. You turn to see Loki fighting off Tony. Loki tries to stab Tony, but Tony was quick in his armour. Clint was pulling out arrows and flying them at Loki to distract him, but he was quick and duck each and every one.

"Y/N. We have to get out of here," Thor says.

"He's right Y/N," Natasha says walking up to them. "Tony and Clint can only hold him off for so long until he disappears again."

"Come on," Thor says turning. Natasha goes with him. You looked at Loki and closes her eyes and concentrated. Soon you passed the memory she got back to Loki. Loki stops what he was doing and looks at you as Natasha grabs her hand.

Loki knew there was more he needed to know.

And he was determined to find out.

Loki waves his hand and soon he vanishes.

"Where did he go?" Clint asked.

"He left you, idiot," You tell him. Clint looks at her and she smiles.

"Let's get out of here before he comes back," Steve says. They all nodded and left.


The title is based on the title of Taylor Swift's song Mine.

Also been listening to a lot of songs that will make me feel like a villain/badass. So if I have any at the start of my videos u know I love the song.

Also, this book will change from Your POV to Second Person Pov. Other than that it will be written in the second person pov.

Also, I will try my best to update this book I have work, a lot so I might not update as often I'm sorry

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