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Guys listening to Tom Hiddleston and Chase Atlantic is actually helping me write. Hopefully, it's good LOL. Honestly use to listen to Chase Atlantic when I was younger. Don't know why I stopped.

Also this is Hasley's new song and I am OBSESSED. Thought it would go great with the first part of this chapter.

Also, this is me writing this chapter for two months.

Also, this is me writing this chapter for two months

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Okay, I'm done. Have fun :P


The Avengers came after you. The Frost Giants pulled Wanda, Bucky, Pietro, Loki and you back. Some of the Frost Giants went after Thor, Steve, and Spider-Man. Others went after The Guardians Of The Galaxy. The Undead. Went after Clint, Natasha, and The Hulk. Tony was nowhere to be seen.

That was until he crashed into you. Knocking you to the ground.

"Shit," You say as you kicked Tony off of you.

"Language," Steve says as he fights off some Frost Giants. You rolled your eyes.

"Old man," You say. As you were about to go after Tony, Loki puts out his hand and green dust came from it. Pushing Tony away from you.

"I got him, love," He says. "You go after my brother. Switch things up." You smiled.

"Bucky!" You say. He looks at you. "Pass me a gun." He smiles and hands you one. You loaded your gun and started firing off at The Avengers. You didn't want to use the stones yet.

You wanted to save them for Thor.

On the other side, Loki was fighting off  Tony.  Tony shot off rockets at Loki, but Loki held out his hands and the rockets stopped in mid-air. Loki turns the rockets and soon they blasted off to Tony. Tony moves and the rockets passed him.

Tony looks at Loki and knew this was going to be harder than it looks.

Your gun ran out of ammo so you threw your gun to the side and started attacking the Avengers with a dagger that you magically wield from thin air. Quill started firing his quad blasters. You dodged every single bullet and soon you grabbed Quill by the dominant hand. Making him drop his gun. You twisted his arm behind his back and had the blade around his neck.

"Not so much of an ass now are you, pretty boy," You whispered into his ear. "I can smell the fear from you. It's enjoyable honestly. To see you shaking. But all good things must come to an end. Including you." Your blade cut open Quill's neck and he fell to the ground. Bleeding. You looked over to see The Avengers fighting for their life against the Frost Giants and your undead army.

Not long you felt a blast hit you to the ground. You looked up to see Thor flying through the air. Glowing from the lighting and the rage he has against you and Loki for betraying him. He lands on the ground and you could see the lighting coming from his eyes and down on his body. You smirked and got up.

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