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Part 3. I'm sorry this flashback/ dream is so long, but I thought it would be best to explain a lot of things that happen in Y/N's and Loki's past before heading forward with Nick and the Avengers. It does get interesting after the flashback/dream is over.


*Second Person's P.O.V*

You and Loki got back to Asgard. Loki parts the ship in the same place. They both get out and you made sure the ship goes invisible. So no one would see it.

"Nice touch," Loki says. You smile and they go back to their horses who were still tied up to the tree. Loki helps you get on your horse. Loki hops onto the horse and they pulled on the reins. The horses gallop out of the woods and back to Asgard. As soon as they got back they saw the guards were scattering.

"What is going on?" You asked Loki.

"I don't-" Soon he was cut off by one of the guards.

"Loki. You are under arrest for kidnapping the Queen of Ciorritora," The guard says. He pulls Loki off his horse. 

"Get him to the dungeons. Take the queen back to her chambers. I will tell the king Lady Y/N is safe," The head guard says.

"Wait! Wait! He didn't kidnap me!" You yell out as they took Loki away. The guards helped you down from your horse and take you back to your chambers. As soon as they got there, they threw you into your chambers and locked them. You get up off the floor and starts banging on the door. "Let me out! Loki did not kidnap me!" 

After a few minutes, You stop banging. You walked away from the door and over to your pictures of Thor, Odin, Frigga, Loki and yourself. You grabbed the picture and looked at it. You screamed and threw the picture at the wall. Shattering the glass into a million pieces. You put your back against the wall and sank to the ground. You balled up and started crying.

Not knowing what would happen to Loki.

A few minutes passed by until you heard the door open. You looked up to see Thor standing there.

"Oh my goodness Y/N. We were worried sick. I went out to the gardens to see if you were okay and you were gone," Thor says. You got up. "They say Loki kidnapped you."

"Loki did no such thing, Thor. Loki visited me in the gardens and I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride," You say. "I need to talk to Odin." You pushed past Thor.

"M'Lady I don't think you want to do that," Thor says.

"Shut up," You mumble as you headed for the throne room. You got to the throne room to see Odin on the throne and Frigga by his side. Loki was in chains from his hands to his feet and guards were surrounded around him.  You saw Loki and ran up to him. You wrapped your arms around him.

"Loki!" You say. Even though it was only a few minutes, it felt like a lifetime since you had seen Loki's beautiful face.

"Hello Darling," He whispers. You let go of Loki and turned to face Odin.

"Let him go, Odin," You say.

"He kidnapped you," Odin says.

"He did no such thing, Odin!" You say. "Loki found me in the gardens and I asked him to go for a ride on the horses. It's been so long since I went on a peaceful ride without your men following me."

"This is more than him kidnapping you. It's him kidnapping your heart," Odin says.

"What are you talking about?" You asked him.

"Yes, my love. What are you talking about?" Frigga asked him.

"I know about you and Loki. You don't think I see you two hiding in secret. The looks you give each other. The secret getaways. He is manipulating you into loving him," Odin says. Anger filled your body. Thor finally joins them.

"You don't say no such thing! He has done nothing to me!" You yelled out. "I am my own person and I can love who I want. I would never be happy with Thor." You take a couple of steps up towards Odin. "No matter how hard I try, it would not be the same as what I feel for Loki." You got closer to him. "You cannot tell me to love him. I would never be able to love him because he is not Loki." Odin gets up.

"You know you both can be hung for this," Odin says.


"Take Loki back to his prison. By morning he will be hung," Odin says. Your heart breaks hearing those words. You couldn't live without Loki.

"Odin!" Frigga says. Odin looks at his wife. "You wouldn't do that to your own son."

"He wouldn't," You say. "But he would do it to a Frost Giant. He's heartless Frigga. The real monster." You look at Odin. "I hate you and I swear if Loki hangs I will kill you for killing my love." You walked down the steps.

"Y/N. A Frost Giant and a Ciorritora together. That shouldn't happen," Odin says. You stop at the end of the stairs to see Loki hurt. Hearing it from Odin made it worst and you knew he had questions. You turned to look at Odin.

"And who says so? You? You don't define who I love Odin. No one does. Only I do," You say. 

You walked up to Loki and gave him a kiss.

"I will find a way to get you out before morning falls Loki. I promise. Your mine," You say.

"Mine," Loki whispered into your ear. Soon he was pulled by the guards and he left. You looked at Thor, then at Frigga, and then at Odin. You turned and walks out. You walked down the hallway and into your chambers where the guards shut the door. You sat on the couch and knew it was time.

"Laufey," You thought as you send it to Laufey in Jotunheim. "It's time. Get your men ready. I'll be there as soon as I escape my prison."

"Why so soon?" You heard Laufey's voice.

"Loki is taken as a prisoner and will be hung by morning. I need him and I need your help to break him out."


OMG thank you for the 1k views on this book. It means so much yall r liking it.

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